Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon

Monday, August 05, 2019

Space week: October 5-12

Keep Space for Peace Week this year will be October 5-12.

We invite you to organize a conference, public meeting, protest or other activity that helps to bring the issue of expanding the arms race into space to the public consciousness.

Let us know your plans please.

This piece of art is from Sicily where they protest the US Navy space-directed communications facility called Mobile User Objective System (MUOS). The system utilizes four satellites and four ground facilities located in Australia, Virginia, Hawaii and Sicily.  The facility in Sicily is pictured below.  It was built in the middle of a cork forest preserve.  Regular protests have been held there for more than 11 years.


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