Friday, August 26, 2016

I Am Free

1 comment:

Brother Jonah said...

The Hunt For Snowden reminded and still does of the fictional Hunt For Snowball in the book Animal Farm. Snowball was always reputed to be on the neighboring farm which Animal Farm was at war. When that shifted, so did his "location"

Aside from the really obvious condemnation of the Soviets, the book says a lot about the character of the United States and (because Eric Blair was British) the British Empire.

Perhaps the "Hunt for binLaden" too. The search for the WMDs. Always presumed to be in the territory held by our "enemy du jour"

Any Empire needs it's boogyman. In Medieval Europe it was The Wandering Jew. that was extra special. Keep the Crusades going.

Obama is smarter than Bush, doesn't mean morally better. His support team don't use the name Crusade to describe the Imperial actions. Even Bush learned not to do that.

But since I'm opposed to Crusades past now and future, I'll go ahead and say it. It's pure hubris to claim one's cause is on the side of God and then claim the Other Side is taking His name in vain.

When I saw the title of your post I thought, Oh, man, they busted Bruce for something.

Hazard of the peace activist trade. I'm glad it wasn't. The whole handcuffs deal seems to me like an S&M game and the experience takes on a veneer of rape. A true assault on human dignity that sometimes leads to the victim being really badly harmed.