Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....
Monday, March 17, 2014
Just landed in Newark after aircraft maintenance problems
interrupted my planned flight sequence of Santa Barbara-San
Francisco-Chicago-Portland.Now I won’t
make it back home tonight as originally scheduled and have to spend the night
in Newark… getting home a day late on Tuesday.Had to cancel the taping of my next public access TV show on Tuesday
I’ve been out of world news contact for several days and
have not yet caught up with the latest about US-NATO intervention into Ukrainian
affairs.I did notice some comments by
the recently installed US-NATO puppet government in Kiev threatening those who
don’t want to follow the new ‘leadership’.Funny how the US-NATO can barge into a country, help topple the
government, and then complain when folks don’t want to go along with the show.
Now that the US has lost in Afghanistan the scriptwriters
are looking for the new “Crazy Horse on the warpath” story that will keep the
gravy train flowing into the coffers of the war machine … enemy creation is at
the root of the “American experiment”.Russia as the ‘latest’ mark makes a handy story line.
I read over the weekend that Obama’s Pentagon is sending the
Navy destroyer USS Truxtun into the
Black Sea as a show of the ‘grand old flag’. This was seen by Moscow as a challenge to the Russian fleet and
evidence that the US was "ramping up its military presence in the
region." The Russians are right, this is just what the US is doing. Obama,
the “good liberal Democrat” is doing the dirty work this time.He is the white hat version of George W.
Bush and gives the oil-i-garchy the extra bonus of keeping much of the left in
their place – cowering on the sidelines.
Our Global Network
22nd annual conference went very well at a beautiful flowering
Catholic retreat center in Santa Barbara, California.Forty of us from many places spent hours sharing with one another
– about our struggles, our fears, our times of joy, and lives of principled
determination.About 75 people attended
our public forum on Saturday evening at a local church in Santa Barbara.
We told the media
repeatedly, and they actually printed our words several times in two different
local papers, that we’d come to Vandenberg AFB to stand with and honor those in
the community who have non-violently protested at the base for a long
time.Bud Boothe, a WW II veteran, has
been vigiling at Vandenberg for 30 years.In the high times of the 1980’s Bud repeatedly invited activists to camp
on his land during large protests at the base.We presented him with a “Lifetime Achievement Award”.
These peace protests
at US bases around the nation and worldwide are going up against the power of
the military industrial complex and we are demanding an end to our growing
local economic “addiction” to the war system drug.Cancerous militarism is the new high-tech version of slavery – we
are shackled to war.One of our Global
Network founders, Bill Sulzman from Colorado Springs, reported that his
community has the highest level of dependency on the military in the whole
nation.They have five military bases
in Colorado Springs and a slew of weapons production facilities as well.How can we ever stop war when local
communities have to rely on killing to create jobs? What does it say about the
soul of our nation?
I am proud to work
with this feisty crowd in the Global Network and our allied friends.It was often said during our gathering that
there are millions of us out there around the world doing these good
works.We need to find more ways to reach
out to one another and recognize that our survival on Mother Earth depends upon
what each of us can contribute to this historic effort.Let’s be friends and put down the bully
stick of war, environmental degradation, and economic collapse.
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