Tuesday, May 21, 2013


SUNNÚ is a documentary about the destruction of rural life and its relationship to the monopolization of the food industry. It shows the deterioration of family farming and the chasm between rural and urban realities, as well as the struggle of indigenous farmers and small farmers to keep producing corn, despite the society’s ignorance regarding the civilizing importance of this grain. Corn has always been the center of Mexico’s economic, social and culinary life, the heart of its very identity.

Mexicans are forgetting how important the grain truly is: it lies at the heart of local economies and community life that forms the basis of our nutrition and identity. It’s ironic because we all eat corn every day, but really don’t know where our food comes from any more.

If native maize disappears, there will be no turning back. We will never recover something that took thousands of years to come into being.

The fate of corn will not only affect Mexico or one specific region, it will affect all of the world’s consumers and producers.

See more and donate toward the film fund here

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