Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....
Thursday, August 18, 2011
I have begun compiling the list of local actions during our annual Keep Space for Peace Week which will be held October 1-8. This year our theme will be how drone warfare is directed by military satellite technology. The list always starts out slowly, I keep updating it as people let us know about events they are organizing, and by the time October comes around we expect to have a strong list of global events. We are purchasing a full-page advert in The Nation magazine (last edition in August) that will feature our poster. You can see the poster here
Still plugging away on the latest Global Network newsletter, Space Alert, and hope to have it ready to go for layout by next Monday. It's always a challenge to get all the writers to meet deadlines - about half are in so far. The growing cost of space launches and dramatic cost overruns on virtually all space technology programs is just mind boggling. This will be a major theme of the newsletter.
I did a second hour-long interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott last night on her radio program. She told me she got such good response to last week's show she wanted to do another and this time we mostly just focused on space issues. What an honor to be on her show once, but two weeks in a row is just incredible. I'll post the link when the interview gets put on Helen's website.
I travel Wethersfield, Connecticut on Saturday to speak to United for Peace group. In advance of that this morning I did a short Internet interview with Stan Heller which he immediately posted on his web site. You can find it here (look for it in the upper right hand corner of the home page).
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