Sunday, August 14, 2011


The right-wing government in South Korea can feel the international pressure building against the Navy base on Jeju Island. There is a growing awareness - just in recent days I've received peace movement newsletters from Canada and Australia that featured major articles about the Gangjeong villagers.

The U.S. produced Korean Quarterly just ran a two-page spread about the base resistance. Last week were the two New York Times Op-Eds and yesterday a news story ran in the International Herald Tribune. The CNN news story (see below) and now this piece from Al-Jazeera indicate that word and support is rapidly moving around the world.

Today we've received word that the government is mobilizing a big force in the village and many think it will be a harsh thrust by the government against the people in order to destroy their peaceful resistance camp along the coastline. Here is the latest from one of the activists in the village:

We just got back from the Emergency meeting and the nightly vigil. I can confirm that what Fox David said is true. 600-700 more police have arrived here along with the water cannons and other riot equipment (perhaps tear gas?). They are about a twenty minute drive from here. Before there have been struggles with the police but this is the first time for them to bring heavy riot dispersal equipment. Village Leader Kang lead the meeting and was very, very serious. The atmosphere here is heavy. We don't know how many total police are now in Jeju, but perhaps up to 1,600. We've heard rumors that "they" want to "end" everything this week. Although we do not expect the police to come tomorrow (the 15th), we are preparing anyway, and we expect them to come very soon. We are preparing heavily, for what could be the biggest struggle yet. There is a feeling that this might be it. Everyone is very tired, but they are also ready. The people here are so brave. They know they have truth on their side. I don't want to give too many details about our thoughts and plans both because I don't know all them and also for safety reasons. But anyway, now is the time to act. do whatever you can. spread the word, and be prepared. Now we wait for the sirens and pray.

By Paco Michelson

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