I heard one commentator say that the Democrats have the public overwhelmingly on their side in opposition to more tax cuts for the rich. But instead of using that power in tough negotiations with the Republicans, Obama has once again caved in without getting anything in return. It is obvious to me that Obama is either the most absolutely incompetent president ever (even George W. Bush was good at holding out for what he wanted) or else Obama is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing. You decide. Either way we are in big trouble.
But why in hell is his party allowing him to cut the legs out from under the working people in this country? Why is Obama's party allowing him to continually reward the fat cats at the time that people are being thrown out of work and literally out of their homes? Unbelievable.
People are starting to call the Congress the "Millionaires Club" as we today have more super-rich people there than ever before. As Sen. Bernie Sanders says below in his speech before the Senate (he's one of the few non-millionaires there) we are now facing a return to the days where capitalists had free reign over the lives of the people. The gains of the working class are now under wholesale attack by the greedy rich. Sadly there is no political party that will stand (like Sen. Sanders is doing) and fight for the people against the interests of the wealthy.
I think the message is clear. If you want someone to fight for you, you'd better begin to fight for yourselves. Organize and fight against the rich because they have declared a full scale war on you and have taken over both political parties in this country.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (Independent/Socialist from Vermont)
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