Friday, October 01, 2010


This photo was taken last night at our monthly Maine Veterans for Peace meeting. We spent a good deal of time going over the details of the November 2-11 peace walk through the state. While I am gone our walk committee made up of Doug Rawlings, Tom Sturtevant, Dan Ellis, and Bob Lezer will take over handling any loose ends.

I am in Washington DC now at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House where I will speak tonight in their regular series of talks they call "Clarification of Thought". It is a real honor to be invited to do this talk as many folks are coming into town in advance of the demonstration tomorrow. The house used to be a convent so it is quite large and can take in lots of guests. They also have four families of people from Africa and Latin America living here.

One person said they heard on the radio today that more than 100,000 are expected at the rally tomorrow.

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