A Washington Post Investigation
The warfare- and combat-related air and space activities and operations of the military, intelligence agencies and the federal government. The Air Force is the primary organization here, but the Navy and Marine Corps also fly large air wings, as do Customs and Border Patrol as well as the FBI. The NRO is the national organization responsible for the development and operation of reconnaissance satellites of all sorts. Those air activities primarily involved in intelligence collection are included under technical spying.
434 results for Air and satellite operations
434 results for Air and satellite operations
27 government organizations/50 companies
Government Organization/HQ Location/Number of Locations/Number of Contracting Companies
Government Organization/HQ Location/Number of Locations/Number of Contracting Companies
Africa Command Stuttgart-Moehringen, AE 2 19
Air Force Arlington, VA 99 392
Air Force Intelligence Arlington, VA 113 153
Army Arlington, VA 106 353
Army Intelligence Fort Belvoir, VA 93 120
Customs and Border Protection Washington, DC 56 56
Central Command Tampa, FL 6 64
Central Intelligence Agency McLean, VA 36 114
Coast Guard Washington, DC 15 44
Defense Intelligence Agency Arlington, VA 22 317
Department of Energy Washington, DC 18 87
European Command Stuttgart-Vaihingen, AE 2 11
Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, DC 448 173
Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Org. Arlington, VA 4 68
Marine Corps Arlington, VA 24 82
Navy Arlington, VA 56 385
Navy Intelligence Arlington, VA 31 104
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Bethesda, MD 8 121
National Reconnaissance Office Chantilly, VA 6 124
National Security Agency Ft. Meade, MD 19 484
Other civil departments and agencies Washington, DC 31 4
Pacific Command Camp H.M. Smith, HI 6 27
Special Operations Command Tampa, FL 12 125
Southern Command Miami, FL 9 29
States and National Guard Washington, DC 3 3
Strategic Command Omaha, NE 14 99
Transportation Command Scott AFB, IN 2 11
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