Saturday, March 27, 2010


A French documentary about the right-wing Christian fundamentalists who are preparing to wage war on behalf of Jesus.

The difference between these folks and the Taliban? Not much as I see it. Where I come from they call this brainwashing.

Watch it and tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

I truly LOL'd when she started talking about "fat, lazy" Christians.

I have been around groups like this many years ago. I know kids who are now rebelling against their parents and authority figures due to the brainwashing and harm done by these crazies.

libhom said...

It's important for people to see and acknowledge the similarities.

Unknown said...


Just an FYI...this came out in 2006, released by an independant producing company (Magnolia Films, I think). Still deeply troubling. Filmed by consent of the pastor who considered the film as accurate and an asset to her work, according to the Magnolia website.

Zeeshan Shah said...

amzing bro
truly LOL'd when she started talking about "fat, lazy" Christians.

I have been around groups like this many years ago. I know kids who are now rebelling against their parents and authority figures due to the brainwashing and harm done by these crazies.