Monday, January 04, 2010


Peace protest NO STAR WARS!
Thursday, January 21

5 pm to 7 pm
Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Protest the launch of an expensive “Star Wars” ground-based interceptor missile test from Vandenberg set for Jan. 22, 2010.

A dummy US Intercontinental Ballistic missile (posing as a nuclear shot from "Iran") will be launched toward California from the Reagan Test Site in the Marshall Islands on the same date.
The Vandenberg missile is going to try to "take out" the so-called (by the Pentagon)"Iranian" missile . The fact is that Iran does not have a long-range nuclear missile capability. But why be worried about the facts. Just launch a US missile and say it is from Iran! Who will notice the difference?!

The “Star Wars” NMD program is a direct obstacle to disarmament talks with Russia and is making a nuclear weapons free future less likely.

What happened to Obama "desire" to get rid of nukes?

The protest will be held at the front gate of Vandenberg AFB which is located six miles north of Lompoc on Highway One, across the road from Vandenberg Middle school Santa Barbara County CA.

Sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. Endorsed by War Resister’s League, CodePink, Nevada Desert Experience, Tri-Valley Cares and many others.

For details see or email or call

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