I've spent the day sitting in a comfy chair in the corner of my room just doing emails. I was also supposed to do our weekly radio show at Bowdoin College tonight with Peter Woodruff but when I called to tell him I wasn't up to it he said the radio station's transmitter had a bad buzz so we were going to cancel the show anyway.........
Last night I did a half hour radio interview with a talk show host out of London, England who had seen our Arsenal of Hypocrisy video. Once again we find that video inspiring another person to dig into the space issue. I suggested that he next might want to have our GN chairperson Dave Webb, who is also national vice-chair of Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), as a guest on the show to talk about US Star Wars bases in Yorkshire.
Spring comes late to Maine and we are having to wait til the end of the month to plant the rest of our vegetable garden. Things like tomatoes and some other items really can't go into the ground because our nights are still cold. Two nights ago we had a freeze across Maine. We've doubled the number of raised beds in our garden this year so it should be a busy summer of weeding, watering, and picking produce. But with five of us living here at the Addams-Melman House these days we have a heavy demand for veggies so the garden should bear many welcome gifts. We also planted a second apple tree and a pear tree this spring as well as three blueberry bushes. Even put two kiwi vines in the ground as well.
This torture story on the national level just keeps getting worse, and more interesting, with each day. Do you think Nancy Pelosi is telling the truth about never knowing about the extent of the Bush torture program? Or, is the CIA fibbing on this one?
Pelosi had another recent controversial statement on health care. I read that she had said, "Single-payer, single-payer, single-payer, that's all I hear about. Well, it isn't going to happen."
Oh boy, this woman is a trip!
I'm just going to lay in bed tonight and watch my Baltimore Orioles get beat by the New York Jankees again......the O's are in last place just in case you were wondering. Their pitching is getting worse by the day.......but I am eternally the optimist. Just wait til next season!!!!!!
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