Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is a very important interview between MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Rep. Peter Defazio (D-Oregon) on what was in the stimulus package that passed the House of Representatives last night.

Rep. Defazio reports that 33% of the $819 billion package went for more tax cuts. Only 7% of the bill was for direct infrastructure and key needs like Amtrak rail and manufacturing buses was taken out of the bill in order to mollify the Republicans. Other programs like water infrastructure repair, drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities and sewer lines, were also severely cut back.

Congressman Defazio pointed to Larry Summers, Obama's head of the White House National Economic Council, as the person who led the charge to slice out these vital programs and replace them with more tax cuts. Summers, who was one of the people responsible during Bill Clinton's administration for reducing regulations on Wall Street, got fired as President of Harvard University after the faculty revolted against his authoritarian rule.

This fight between Obama's economic team and progressive Democrats in Congress has only taken one-week to bust out into the open. It could be a long four years for all of us.

1 comment:

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