Much of the newsletter of course centers on reports from activists who have been working hard to deal with the space technology issue. It is quite remarkable the work that is being done to educate folks about the new arms race in space and you can see the expanding international movement right before you eyes. It does give one some sense of satisfaction and pride, even if hope is a bit farther down the road.
As I step back and look at the newsletter, and the U.S. foreign policy that is driving the use of space technology, virtually all the major tensions and conflicts are related to fossil fuels. There is no escaping this reality. The way we burn energy in this world, and particularly in the "first world," creates the need to control and dominate.
The fact that Germany and France, with their new right-wing governments, has come onto Bush's side concerning the likely attack on Iran illustrates this reality. Even though those countries are doing so much more than the U.S. to invest in energy conservation and alternative technologies, their economies are still largely run on fossil fuels. Thus they play hardball with Bush.
Some parts of the world are not in the game at all. And frankly they are better off for it. In some senses they are more able to deal with the coming economic grind that will hit the U.S. when our totally energy dependent lifestyle hits the wall. Our local papers, even in recent days, are signaling a near panic at the highest levels of Maine governing bodies as working class and poor people are now not able to afford the 20% increase, since last winter, in the cost of home heating fuel. There will be some real pain in Maine this winter.
I've been trying to sell my car lately but the bites are few as most people are not in the buying mood. Money is tight and folks are hanging onto what they've got. Soon, I think, we'll see more creative adaptations as you see in the photo above.
Hang onto your hats. The winds of change are blowing strong.
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