Dick Cheney is pressuring the Bush pirate team hard to move into full battle mode against Iran.
The Jerusalem Post reported last week that Yossi Kuperwasser, former head of Military Intelligence's Research Division, told the newspaper "that time to launch an effective military strike against Iran's nuclear installations was running out."
Some in the Bush administration are saying that the U.S. can't let Israel do the Iran attack so we should do it ourselves. Republican Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas said on Fox News that that he was ready for a premptive strike on Iran. Speaking with right-wing host Sean Hannity he said, "Sean, if we're going to be serious about this fight.....We're probably in this fight for a generation."
At the U.N. the U.S., England, and France are trying to secure an agreement from other security council members for a new round of sanctions against Iran. Russia and China are resisting that effort.
The play for Iranian fossil fuels is heating up. Lives are in the balance.
Have you hear any Democrats in Congress warning against an Iran lately?
Endless war means endless military production back home......bring it on the Democrats say.
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