The tour is called the Journey for Humanity and is calling for the impeachment of Bush-Cheney. She is giving Nancy Pelosi until next Monday to take the lid of impeachment in the House of Representatives. If by Monday Pelosi doesn't turn around, and she won't, then Cindy says she will run against her in San Francisco in the 2008 election. Cindy is now naming the Democrats as being totally complicit in the perpetuation of the occupation and is saying she will run an an Independent against Pelosi.
This is very important as I think it will encourage and inspire others all over the nation to jump into House and Senate races in '08. We need a slew of folks running against these weak-kneed Dems who claim to be against the occupation but have been enabling Bush all along. And now we've got to include the impeachment issue into the mix as well.
Watch the interview with Cindy on Hardball just a couple of days ago. She does quite well.
You gotta admit, she is taking it right to the Democrats. Three cheers for that!
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