Monday, October 23, 2006


On our way back from India we read in the British newspaper, the Daily Mail, that 655,000 Iraqi civilians have died as a result of the war and occupation since March 2003. The study was done by Johns Hopkins University and was first published by The Lancet, the influential medical journal.

The figure means that about 2.5% of the Iraqi population has died since the war began.

Now tell me why the American people are sitting on their asses day in and day out and letting this happen? Tell me why the politicians in the Democratic Party are not screaming at the top of their lungs and calling for an immediate cut in funding for the war and withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq yesterday!

I'll tell you why. These sorry excuses for political leaders, backed up by the corporate dominated media, are doing the bidding of the corporations that are profiting from the war. The weapons corporations, the oil corporations, and the corporations like Halliburton and Bechtel are making huge money off the deaths of Iraqi civilians and American GI's. They own these politicians. Lock, stock, and barrel.

I'm sick to my soul with the "I'm almost there" talk by Democratic politicians. I'm tired of them saying, "Maybe we'll call for withdrawal in 90 days, or 6 months, after we retake the House of Representatives next month." It's all bullshit and you and I both know it. Then why aren't you standing on street corners in the pouring ran holding a sign calling these people liars and thieves?

I'm getting fed up. And I'm also getting fed up with the freaking liberals who say they are against the war and then turn around and vote for these politicians that are enabling the Bush war. Put up or shut up. Don't make your moralistic statements that you are against the war and then vote for the people who are funding it. Don't stand there and tell me the Democrats are going to change it all if they just take control of the House. It's a lie.

The Iraqi people are facing genocide. Even if the shooting stops today the people will continue to die due to the fact that they don't have clean water, food, adequate health care, and because they are massively exposed to depleted uranium. The U.S. wants them to die so that it will be easier to maintain control of their oil down the road. Can't you see this reality staring you in the face?

So quit telling me that the Democrats care and that they are going to end this occupation. They have funded these permanent bases for a reason. The U.S. intends to keep its troops in Iraq. Period. And three years from now, five years from now we will probably be having this same conversation.

It goes like this. The Democrats believe in empire. They support empire. They always have and they always will.

Figure it out. Now!

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