Saturday, June 22, 2024

First harvest at my garden


I love gardening. It helps me keep a bit of sanity during these crushing times. 

I'm moderately good in the garden - but steady on the job so now and then I get some nice vegs.

This week I harvested my first radishes - I love to eat them like an apple or some other fruit.

I usually ride my bike to the community garden which is one mile from our home. I've had a plot there for the last three years.

I've got most everything planted now and plants are popping up nicely. Since Maine is so far north our growing season is limited to 4-5 months - depending on the skill of the gardener.

(Although with the temperature this week in the mid-90's one wonders what the near future will mean for food growing globally. Expect even more refugees as they escape drought, hunger and the war$ of choice by the corrupt and brain-dead western oligarchs.)

I also have some pots outside our apartment door which allows me to plant a few things for salads and such.

I'll post some more photos once things are showing well at my garden plot.


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