Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump shot: Has the civil war begun?



Wrestlemania takes over Washington

America was born
of violence
thrives on it
exports it
as a product

the chickens
come home
to roost

corporate parties
playing a high-tech game
of good-cop-bad-cop
have successfully
turned the nation
against itself

Abe Lincoln said,
"A house divided against itself
cannot stand"
Our house is folding
like a deck of cards,
and sinking
like the Titanic

Time will tell
where this all goes
but the people
will be used
as pawns
to further the 
ruthless aims
of the 
ruling oligarchs
Is this another
Hollywood scripted
JFK-Oswald-Jack Ruby
who done it?
Or Abe Lincoln-John Wilkes Booth
mystery caper?
I never understood 
why Sen. Teddy Kennedy
went to Texas
to received an award
from George H. W. Bush,
the same Bush who was 
up to his neck
in the killing of his brothers
Jack and Bobby 

It's the mob,
they have wars
with competing 
regional oligarchs
inside our own country.
Sometimes they sign
a truce,
for a short while
Tune in at 7:00 pm
for more details....

In the meantime
lock your doors
stay inside
and don't talk
to any strangers.

And wear a mask....

~ Joe Biden on July 8, 2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye."

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