Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I read it in the alt news....


Children in Palestine
(Gaza and the West Bank)
are being slaughtered in droves,
starvation, dehydration, disease,
set on fire,
beheaded, limbs blown off,
if still alive
taken to 'hospitals' with no capacity
to treat the victims.

All the while Blinken, 
Sullivan, Austin, Kirby,
the toothless self-declared
zionist Joe Biden,
and a bi-partisan 
war-mongering Congress,
fall to their knees
in subjugation
to AIPAC, Wall St,
and the MIC.

We have no real government
in the US, 
UK, EU, and
the rest of the mafia led
western entities.

How long does this go on?
Zionists continue daily
to perpetuate genocide.
Rumors of ceasefires
abound in western
crap media,
news conferences are held
but nothing ever changes.

The killing goes on.
Settlers take more of the
West Bank each week.
Parts of Syria, Lebanon,
Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia,
and of course all of Palestine,
are the goal of Tel Aviv's 
'Greater Israel'.

These very sick
must be stopped.



Anonymous said...

While I am sure this is a pipe dream of some Zionists it is hardly the reality at the moment. The challenge now is supporting the Palestinians in Gaza now so they are able to remain there, so Israel does not annex Gaza which is very much the plan.

Anonymous said...

This is JahFé btw. Netanyahu must go, the genocide must stop and we must pressure the West et al to bring about a two-state solution, plus, and this is the hard part, withdrawing illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. We must constantly and emphatically push for these rwo demands.