Friday, June 28, 2024

Dems use debate to move Biden out


 Biden May Decline Democratic Nomination If He Does Poorly in Upcoming Debate - Hersh


June 21, 2024

Democrats are discussing plans to have President Joe Biden decline the Democratic presidential nomination if he has a bad showing at the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported on Friday, citing a longtime friend of the US president.

Hersh reported that there is a serious concern among the Democratic Party leadership and major Democratic donors about Biden’s ability to defeat former President Donald Trump in the November election.

"One extreme possibility in the case of a very bad showing Thursday night, I have been told, is to obtain agreement from Biden and his family advisers for the president to come to the Democratic convention in Chicago in August and accept the accolades of a first-round delegate victory; then he would decline the nomination and throw the nominating process open to all," Hersh said.

California Governor Gavin Newsom and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker could be favorites to replace Biden, Hersh said.

Next week, Biden is going to need to match the intensity he demonstrated at his State of the Union address in March if he wants to stay in the race, Hersh said. 

An aggregation of national polls by RealClearPolitics shows that Trump holds a half-a-point lead over Biden and leads him in all seven swing US states.


There is no way in hell that Biden can carry on a national campaign for prez. I've been saying for months that the Dems will drop-kick him just before or during the August convention. So Hersh above (right on schedule) pulls the switch.

The Dems understood even before their primary season began that they had to pull a rabbit out of the hat. But they pretended that all was fine because they wanted to keep the Ukraine war going strong and they knew that Israel planned to make their big move on Gaza and Lebanon. Thus the corporate controlled Dems played like things were cool with Biden until now because they understood that the zionists in the administration would have a free-hand to do as they wished.

So their party will have no true democratic process to pick its candidate for prez and VP. It will all be controlled by AIPAC, Wall Street and the MIC.

Welcome to crashing America!


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