Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Phil Giraldi is one of the best


Phil Giraldi interviewed on Intel, Assassinations, war crimes, and free speech fading away.

He's one of the best - former CIA man with a heart and soul.

Ukraine Kursk invasion failing dramatically


Ukraine soldiers surrendering to Russian troops in Kursk

Ukrainian troops are increasingly surrendering in Russia's Kursk Oblast (similar to a state) as the US-NATO directed attack into Russia is now failing dramatically.

On August 6, 2024 the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an incursion into Russia's Kursk Oblast and clashed with the Russian Armed Forces and Russian border guard. It has been suggested that many of Ukraine's 'best Nazi units' were pulled from the Donbass region along the Russian border to lead the troops that crossed into Kursk on the first day, supported by tanks and armored vehicles. 

Some have claimed that 20,000 Ukrainian troops were involved in that incursion into Russia.

The Russian army continues its successful offensive in the Kursk region. Russian forces are surrounding the Ukrainian grouping, advancing along the border from the northern and southern directions.

In total, during the fighting in the Kursk direction, the Ukrainian army has lost more than 14,200 troops, 115 tanks, 44 infantry fighting vehicles, 91 armored personnel carriers, 729 armored combat vehicles, 439 vehicles, 98 artillery pieces, 28 multiple rocket launchers, including seven HIMARS and six MLRS manufactured by the United States, eight anti-aircraft launcher missile systems, two transport-loading vehicles, 26 electronic warfare stations, seven counter-battery radars, two air defense radars, thirteen units of engineering equipment, of these, seven engineering barrier vehicles and one UR-77 de-mining system.

It is well known that Ukraine would never have done this without the US-NATO instigation.

It was likely done so close to the coming US presidential election in order to make people in America and Europe believe that the elusive 'Ukrainian` victory' was still possible against Russia. The Biden-Harris administration had hoped to use it as a winning campaign issue. It has turned out to be just one more failure.

One must wonder what comes next? Will Ukraine come up with a false-flag event in a 'hail Mary' attempt to build support throughout the west in hopes that US-NATO will send more $$$, more military hardware, long-range missiles that can hit deep inside Russia, or actually send US-NATO troops in to 'rescue' the failing Ukrainian operation?

Ukraine will not be able to effectively use British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles for long-range attacks on Russia without satellite targeting data provided by the US. This would make the US and UK responsible for a direct attack on Russia and they should expect retaliatory strikes as a result. That is how nuclear war begins.

It must be remembered that since Washington orchestrated coup in 2014 in Kiev, the US-NATO has underwritten and directed this Ukrainian war on the Russian-ethnic population of the Donbass of eastern Ukraine. 

The entire operation, intended to force Vladimir Putin out as president and the break-up of Russian into smaller nations, as been an abysmal failure that still could be a trigger for WW3.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Anti-space radar protest in Wales grows


Anti space-radar campaign ‘demands answers’ from MOD

Protests were held outside each of the Ministry of Defence (MOD’s) public engagements events in Solva and St Davids last Friday and Saturday 13th-14th September.

PARC Against DARC, which launched in May this year to oppose the proposed US military DARC radars at Brawdy, mobilised a large crowd of DARC opponents who maintained a permanent presence at both events. PARC also held its own counter-information event outside each of the buildings themed ‘The People’s Exhibition,’ which was comprised of information boards detailing all of the key arguments the campaign has compiled against the proposed 27 dish radar array which would facilitate the United States’ ability to militarily dominate all of space.

Campaigners gave out ‘NO RADAR’ signs for protesters to wear, with a large number of anti-DARC locals attending the PR meetings inside and asking questions.

London PR firm hosts ‘utterly shambolic meeting,’ says campaign.

A PARC spokesperson told us: ‘person after person came out from these so called public engagement meetings telling us that they were an “utter shambles,” that they were being told completely different things by different “experts,” and that when pushed on any of the serious questions, they were answered with “we can’t answer that” or “we don’t know yet,” over and over again. Others repeated the mantra that DARC was still at the “conception phase,” leaving us thinking it was strange they could have so much confidence in a proposal they seemed to know very little about at all!’

Campaigners recounted, ‘One local attendee told us that when they’d asked one of the top military officials present if he’d stand next to one of these radars himself, he’d replied, “No, I wouldn’t stand next to one of these radars myself; it’d be like putting my head in a microwave.”’

Local resident Jenna asked a question about what the MOD could possibly do about the visual impacts of 27 radars on the landscape that would be unavoidable, Jenna was given ‘answers that ranged from nothing, to maybe something if forced, to a man who confidently said they'd be growing enormous hedges in an area famous for its lack of anything growing beyond 3 ft in the harsh salt wind.’ The campaigners said, ‘Many attendees told us that the officials asked had said the MOD didn’t even know where the radars were going!’

 PARC Against DARC asked a series of technical questions on safety and other issues and told us that they received ‘no responses of any meaningful value or reassurance,’ adding that ‘the London-based PR company Cascade, who had been responsible for running the event, were clearly out of their depth here in Wales.

‘They didn’t even make it clear that only written comments and questions submitted on their feedback forms would be taken into consideration when compiling the results of findings of these events in their report! That’s not public engagement, and already it seems likely to us they are not meeting their statutory obligations. We encourage everyone with concerns to write in and fill out these forms online when they go live, which we were told would be September 16.’

Serious unanswered technical safety questions.

Campaigners asked the MOD, ‘What would be the peak and average power outputs and frequency of the radiation sidelobes, backlobes and other radiation output besides the main beam of one single DARC transmission radar?’

‘We were told that the MOD could not give out this information merely because it was “operational,” and also that it’s even possible this information—without which DARC’s residential safety cannot possibly be properly examined by scientists or the public—will never be released publicly, not even during the planning application phase to Pembrokeshire County Council.’

The campaigners said, ‘Given that there are now nearly 4,000 studies demonstrating health impacts associated with the high levels of radiofrequency radiation DARC produces, we repeat our calls for answers to these serious safety questions, and we haven’t had a single one. It’s a matter of deep concern for the public, and the onus is on them to address these questions they seem clearly uncomfortable about.’

‘If the MOD were really serious about engaging with the local population on DARC as it is obligated to do rather than engaging in a series of box-ticking exercises, perhaps it would have been best off starting by sacking its London PR firm, Cascade which has no connection to the Pembrokeshire and replacing it with a dedicated public engagement organisation from within Wales. Preferably one which knows how, and is committed to, finding out and prioritising what the public really feels and wants in this area”.

Avalanche of Opposition.

'The temperature of opposition you could see in the room, however, suggests that these problems are going to do very little indeed to dissuade what seems like extraordinarily intense opposition from the local public. This was particularly true in St Davids, with hardly a single person we could see seeming to be there with a kind word to say for the DARC proposal.’

‘We had every confidence that the people of Dewisland would see straight through this one-sided, see-through and frankly contemptuous attempt to steamroll us as a community, and by turning out in such unprecedented numbers, and in effect making the whole day our own, with research and challenges put together by people who actually care about the future and fate of this area, that’s exactly what we did. We are extremely proud to be part of a community who cares so vocally about our landscape, our environment, our economy and its future.’

“We believe that these PR stunts completely failed in their public engagement obligations and we demand serious answers to all of the serious questions we have raised”.

Israel hacks/explodes pager devices in Lebanon


Eight people are killed and nearly 3,000 are injured after hundreds of personal communication devices exploded simultaneously. It's believed most of the pagers were being carried by members of Hezbollah. 

Emergency departments have been inundated with injured Hezbollah members and civilians. Local media report says the pagers simultaneously exploded across the country after being hacked by Israel. 

The Health Ministry has appealed to all citizens who own pagers to dispose of them. 

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara calls Israel’s cyber attack on Hezbollah a major escalation, describing it as an act of mass terror.  

BREAKING: The hospital of the American University in Beirut, Lebanon reportedly took all pagers of its nurses and doctors about 10 days ago, and “replaced them due to technical issues”, according to employees.

This latest shipment of pagers was held in Israel and the tiny explosive devices were added before shipping on to Lebanon. Made by Motorola. 

Edward Snowden accuses Israel of tеrrorism

“What Israel just did is - regardless of method, reckless. They blеw up countless number of people who were driving, shopping (your children in the stroller behind in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from tеrrоrism.” 


Taiwan claims that the pagers that exploded in Lebanon were manufactured by a European company under a Taiwanese brand name. 

The European company planted small explosive material in the pagers.

Israeli media have reported the terrorist attack on Lebanon was an MOSSAD Operation that involved planting 20 grams of Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) into Motorola pagers in Tel Aviv.

The MOSSAD Operation installed them 5 months ago then sent the devices to Lebanon.

These pager devices were mainly used in hospitals by Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics

~ See more here

Warning: Space directed WW3 coming our way?



Please let us know what you are able do to help spread the message during Keep Space for Peace Week about the growing use of space tech as the trigger for WW3.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Burn um they say


Burn um they say

Stomp um,
in Yidish,
שטופּן זיי
shoot the kids 
in the head.
Same for journalists.
Burn the olive trees
poison the water
kill the fishermen
tear up the gardens 
rob & steal,
bomb the homes,
along with the tents,
loaded with long-suffering
Palestinian people.
If the world allows
this to continue 
then it will be us 
who go down next.
Virtually all of us 
are the expendables,
the unwashed,
the unvarnished,
superfluous populations,
the despised,
the unmanageable....
those unwilling to do the 
dirty work of empire.
We will all burn,
but it will be in hell,
along with those
maddening, hypocritical
racist, arrogant
greedy, violent
devilish thugs
from the western deep state,
agents of Mr. Big
in the City of London
and Wall Street.
For long they've 
tried to hide themselves
but now their
true face
is revealed.

A fed-up world 
is demanding that we each
fully reject Mr. Big,
it's our only chance for survival.

This frightening moment
will determine the 
next page 
of history.
Which direction
will we turn?
Another Elbit Systems drone for Israel. Elbit operates in dozens of countries. Zionist control of the western war machine is key to ensuring the creation of Greater Israel. This is at the core of the dangers during these current times. Another way to name it is a global mafia. For me, I see it as global fascism defined by Mussolini as 'the wedding of corporations and government'.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Protest at General Dynamics in Saco, Maine


Three Muslim members of our group showing the cops photos of a little girl with both legs blown off. Reminding them why we do these protests.


Yesterday MB and I drove one hour south to Saco for a protest where General Dynamics (GD) is located. (GD also owns the Bath Iron Works Navy shipyard in our state.)

GD's factory in Saco makes guidance systems for Mark-82 bombs. The US has sent over 5,000 of these bombs to Israel which have been dropped in Gaza on the people.

On June 7 we did another action at Saco GD were many people risked arrest by blocking the entrance early in the morning before the workers arrived. Folks cemented themselves to tires and even to an old boat. These obstructions were used to block off the driveway entrance to the weapons factory. On that day we remained there for about five hours but the police surprisingly did not arrest anyone.

Yesterday I was the first to arrive at 2:00 pm. I unloaded my signs and a portable chair that I was going to sit on because of a bum foot. MB dropped me off just across the street from the plant and as soon as I got out of the car three cops began telling me that I could not go to the other side of the road - that I had to stay on the sidewalk across the street from GD or I would be arrested. 

They obviously thought we were going to block the entrance again as workers left the plant just after 3:00 pm. In fact this protest was organized at the last minute due to GD bombs being used to vaporize people in Gaza tents that left huge craters. Our intention was just to do a 'stand' and hold signs and banners.

Anyway, I told the cops that I understood the law and that the sidewalk on the other side of the street was public and I intended to cross the street and stand there. If they wanted to arrest me they could and the case would be thrown out of court and they'd get some bad press.

With that said I walked down to the crosswalk and made my way to the other side of the street where a couple different cops gave me the same song and dance. I repeated that I knew the law and they could arrest me if they wished. I told one of the cops they'd better get a couple of paddy wagons ready because once everyone else came they were all going to stand on the GD side of the road. And that is what everyone did. We had just over 25 folks show up.

Eventually the chief of police arrived and told us we could stand where we wanted as long as we did not interfere with traffic. We repeated that we didn't intend to do so.

When we got to GD the police had lined up their cars all along the street in front of GD making sure that if we stood on that sidewalk passing cars would not be able to easily see our signs and banners. The chief had all the cop cars moved to a long line on GD's property that is pictured at the top above.

In the end it was a good event as the road gets huge traffic for a two-lane town street. Three police departments had cops out there - the State Police, the County Police, and Saco PD. They didn't have much to do except listen to our chants and hear the many honks from the  cars driving by.

MB and I stayed for two hours and made it back to Brunswick just as our local PeaceWorks group was setting up the regular Friday vigil at 5:00 pm on the town green. This vigil began soon after 9-11-2001 and has been going on weekly ever since - no matter the weather.

One of the chants during our Saco protest reminded everyone that the destroyer warships built at Bath Iron Works here in the mid-coast of Maine have been regularly deployed in the Red Sea and used to repeatedly attack Yemen during this past year. 

We intend to hold a similar protest at BIW on Saturday, October 5 starting at 11:30 am as part of Keep Space for Peace Week. The Navy Aegis destroyers built at BIW use space satellites to direct their missile attacks on Yemen.

The Maine connections to the genocide in Palestine are deep. Just like in many other states across the country. The US has a war economy. We are a killing nation.


History lesson: Vietnam's liberation & current challenges


Vietnam has fought and defeated countless Goliaths to achieve its liberation. 

While our people in Palestine are still fighting their own Goliath, we wanted to learn, how did the Vietnamese do it? And what happens once this Goliath is taken down? What does a national identity built on liberation and resistance look like when the country’s at peace? And is Vietnam really at peace? 

We traveled to Hanoi in the north and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in the South to explore Vietnam’s story of liberation, and the story it's writing now. 

Hosts: Salem Barahmeh and Khuyến Bùi 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sending Ukraine long-range weapons: US-NATO crawling on thin ice

By Simplicius

First let’s clear up the nuances to this report. Some believe the decision has already been made and the media is merely trotting out its regular theater to warm up the public. But the other missed detail is two-fold:

First the US apparently wants Ukraine to demonstrate a tangible plan for how it would utilize these ‘deep strikes’ to actually achieve victory, rather than merely some vague psychological effect.

And for this precise reason, Zelensky is traveling to the US to present his plan, which some sources have claimed has three points, which I outlined last time, but as reminder:

    1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.

    2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.

    3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine's manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin's leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal. 

    Putin: The FULL Statement on the "permission" by US and UK for long range Western missiles attacking the territory of the Russian Federation:

    "There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev regime to strike at Russian territory. It is already striking with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles and other means. But when it comes to using high–precision long-range Western-made weapons, it's a completely different story. 

The fact is that, as I have already said, and any experts will confirm this (both here and in the West), the Ukrainian army is not able to strike with modern high-precision long-range systems of Western production. It can't do that. This is possible only with the use of satellite data, which Ukraine does not have — this is data only from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first one. The second, and very important, perhaps key, is that flight missions to these missile systems can, in fact, only be carried out by military personnel of NATO countries. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this. 

And therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not to allow it. It's about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not. If this decision is made, it will mean nothing more than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct involvement. And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created to us."  

~ See more on this story here and here

China & Africa long-time friendship


This week saw a massive gathering of African leaders in China for the three-yearly Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, with leaders from more than 50 African nations heading to Beijing for the three-day event. 

President Xi announced more than US$50 billion in support over the next three years, which might usually lead Western media to push the “debt trap diplomacy” myth, but guess what? 

CNN appears to have received the memo to stop using that fake news trope, for now. With the majority of African nations confirming “Chinese debt trap diplomacy” is just another Western coping mechanism, Western media can no longer afford to support such outright lies. 

Today, I’ll take a closer look. This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let's get reporting.


'It all began with colonization....'


Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian prime minister, spoke at the recent Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

Obviously referring to the US and Israel he asks, 'Where is the humanity, why do you preach to us about human rights and democracy?'

'We must oppose all forms of colonization. You take people's land [in Palestine], you kill them, you take their houses, you treat them as open air prison.'

'It's creating problems for us because people are saying why are you not doing anything more when people are being killed daily.' 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Harris & Trump debate 'maintenance of the status quo'


 The debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump featured a rehash of neo-liberal and imperialist talking points. Both are committed to disastrous policies domestically and internationally.

The United States' decline under oligarchic rule is brutally exposed every four years, as the duopoly parties differ on fewer issues and agree that the people’s needs stay far away from the political agenda. The 2024 election is no different, as the quality of candidates continues its downward trajectory with a former president who is hated by half the country but beloved by millions more running against a current vice president that no one voted for as a presidential candidate. Their September 10 debate was highly anticipated but not for very good reasons.

Kamala Harris entered the debate one day after finally putting cursory policy platform information on her website which had nothing but merchandise for sale and donation buttons for fifty days. It is hard to understand why she needed so much time to do what was an obvious copy and paste version of Joe Biden’s campaign website, but the odd decision-making is emblematic of this bizarre campaign season and her own lack of gravitas.

Just four days before the debate former vice president Dick Cheney endorsed Harris. Cheney was once a villain to liberals , the de facto president when he served under George W. Bush and the driving force behind the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Not only did he help to kill 1 million people, but it was a war from which he personally profited due to his connections to the Halliburton corporation, a major military contractor.

Cheney was loathed by liberals until January 6, 2021, when he and his congresswoman daughter Liz Cheney were quite vocal in their condemnations of Trump. True to form, liberals developed collective amnesia about their prior Cheney hatred and they suddenly elevated the right-wing family to revered status. Harris didn’t run from the endorsement, instead, she declared herself, “honored to have their endorsement” and praised the Cheneys for “putting the country before party.” Dick Cheney would not endorse someone who wasn’t pledged to continue the neo-liberal and imperialist project and clearly Harris sees the endorsement as being beneficial. Why shouldn’t she? KHive and Blue MAGA democrats continue being so completely indoctrinated that they don’t want to hear anything negative about her and corporate media are fully on her side.

Donald Trump sometimes rambles incoherently and gives the impression that he is experiencing cognitive decline like Joe Biden. Kamala Harris is younger and healthier, but she has also been promoted beyond her skill set and laughs nervously or has strange outbursts when she is unsure of herself. Trump often goes off script and Harris stumbles when speaking off the cuff. Debate anticipation was less about policy prescriptions than about who would make the better impression.

But ultimately good preparation was enough to win because the so-called moderators from ABC news had their thumbs firmly on the scale of orthodoxy when they posed questions about U.S. policy around the world. There was no effort to actually engage in debate. Instead, there were leading questions that asserted that the U.S. cannot be questioned in its actions. One example is this statement which was a clear expression of support for the idea that the U.S. should be the world's hegemonic and unipolar power. “Mr. President, it has been the position of the Biden administration that we must defend Ukraine from Russia, from Vladimir Putin, to defend their sovereignty, their democracy, that it's in America's best interest to do so, arguing that if Putin wins he may be emboldened to move even further into other countries.” Trump answered correctly when he said the war in Ukraine can and should end with negotiation. Harris of course revived Russiagate allegations by saying Trump would end the proxy war by just “giving up” Ukraine and that if Trump were president, “Putin would be sitting in Kyiv.”

It was Trump who brought up the fact that Biden’s actions regarding Ukraine could lead to World War III. Of course, he incorrectly said that “millions” of people have died in Ukraine but he also mentioned the very real threat of nuclear weapons. However, he did not mention that he, like every president of the last 20 years, unilaterally withdrew the U.S. from long-standing nuclear agreements with Russia and helped to create a very dangerous situation today.

While the moderators engaged in scaremongering about Vladimir Putin, Harris and Trump both went out of their way to express devotion to Israel. Harris claims she is working for a ceasefire in Gaza while simultaneously promising to continue weapons and money for Israel. She repeated calls for a two-state solution which Israel has repeatedly rejected and added threats against Iran for good measure. Trump dispenses with pretense and says he is and will remain Israel’s guy and claims that Harris “hates Israel.” He predicted that if Harris is elected, “...Israel will not exist within two years from now.” 


Putin was cast as the all-purpose villain and Chinese president Xi Jinping also came in for criticism. Both Harris and Biden pledged to make the U.S. number one in chip production and Harris even blamed Xi for the spread of covid.

The subterfuge of alleged differences was not confined to Israel, Russia or China. Harris went out of her way to say that she wouldn’t ban fracking. Of course, fracking ought to be banned because it produces fossil fuels, contaminates water supplies, and even produces earthquakes. Harris went on to claim that democrats are concerned about climate change while simultaneously pledging to continue oil production. The moderators did not call out the inconsistency.

Overall the debate was a very sad affair. Trump made immigration the centerpiece of his remarks, claiming that crime is up in the U.S., even though it isn’t, because criminal aliens are amongst us. He repeatedly debunked claims of immigrants eating dogs and cats and being drug dealers and terrorists who will all try to vote. It was vintage Trump, meaning embarrassing, and Harris could only say that she favored a bipartisan immigration bill that featured the worst aspects of Trump policy that has resulted in more deportations under Biden than under Trump.

Supporting Israel will be a high-priority goal of a Harris or Biden administration. Democratic presidents have failed to codify the Roe v. Wade decision when they controlled Congress and could have done so. Harris’s claim of passing federal legislation rings hollow while Trump ranted that democrats were executing babies.

Perhaps the Kamala Harris image makers are right. She need only talk about joy while Trump says that protesters burned down Minneapolis, a city that actually still exists, while mentally ill immigrants run amok. The donors who as Trump says, “Threw Biden out of the campaign like a dog,” may have been right. Enough money and good press might be enough to put Kamala Harris in the white house.

~ Margaret Kimberley is the author of Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents . You can support her work on Patreon and also find it on the Twitter , Bluesky , and Telegram platforms. She can be reached via email at margaret dot kimberley at blackagendareport dot com

Latest GN video: US-NATO space & space week events


We need your help more than ever

With Keep Space for Peace Week fast approaching (October 5-12) our Global Network board member Will Griffin has done another really fine job making his latest monthly space issue video for us.

It is entitled 'US/NATO Dangerous Alliances & Keep Space for Peace Week'.

With the current US-NATO expansion happening worldwide, seeking full spectrum dominance, we are viewing our Keep Space for Peace Week this year as the most important one since the Global Network was founded in 1992. The prospects for space-directed WW3 between the US-NATO (western colonialist bloc) and Russia, China and Iran are greater than ever.

Most of the global public has little to no understanding how space technology these days is in the driver’s seat of modern warfare. Thus we feel the enormous need to increase our efforts to help plant the seeds in the international public consciousness about keeping space for peace.

So we hope that you and others in your community will find ways to help us reach out to the people and sprout these crucial seeds during this extremely dangerous moment.

One thing you can immediately do is please share this video with your local contacts.

Thank you and best wishes to all.

Keep paddling,

GN Coordinator
PS At the end of space week (on October 13) we will hold a GN space issues webinar with speakers from around the world. More on that soon.

View all Global Network social media links at:


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

US & British spy chiefs in defense of the Western-dominated world order


By Magyar Békekör (Hungary)

London, Sunday 8 September 2024

Bill Burns, the head of the CIA and Richard Moore, the head of the British intelligence service MI6, appeared together in public on Saturday and voiced their opinion that in order to protect the threatened global order, the West should lift all restrictive measures so that Ukraine can use all its weapons against Russia. The head of the CIA called Putin a bully, and Moore said that the West cannot be intimidated by the words of the Russian president, the correspondent of the Hungarian Community for Peace reported on Sunday.

Burns and Moore answered questions from the newspaper’s correspondent at the Financial Times Weekend Festival at London’s Kenwood House.

“There is no doubt that the international world order, the balanced system that has led to relative peace and stability and ensured rising standards of living, opportunities and prosperity, is in a state of danger that has not been seen since the Cold War,” says their joint statement, published in the columns of the Financial Times.

Neither in their written nor in their oral statements did they consider it important to address the question of why their governments deny Russia’s equal right to security and why the introduction of an order based on equal cooperation instead of the current confrontational world order would endanger Western civilization.

The two spy chiefs believed that in defeating Russia and bringing its allies under control, they could save the uni-polar world order dominated by the West from the threat from the East. “Putin cannot win, staying the course is more important than ever when it comes to supporting Ukraine,” was said.

They have expressed concern that China, Iran and North Korea are cooperating with Russia, with Iran supplying Russia with drones, China with parts for military equipment, and North Korea with artillery ammunition.

China has been described as the main intelligence and geopolitical challenge of the century.

The penetration of the Ukrainian forces into Russia was classified as a significant tactical achievement and a victory. Burns praised Kiev’s act of war because Putin thought it was only a matter of time before they would “grind down the Ukrainians and wear down their supporters” so he could dictate the terms. Moore admitted that it would be difficult to say how long the Ukrainians could stay on Russian territory.

The joint performance of Burns and Moore was also full of propaganda tricks. Among other things, they claimed that Putin is great in one thing: suppressing the Russians. Russian intelligence was also said to be carrying out acts of sabotage against European civilian objects because its desperation. (They did not elaborate on who blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.) With fear-inducing and unsettling statements, they tried to tune public opinion to serve the power goals of the Western elite.

Not a single comment was made about recommending to their governments to seek a compromise with Moscow and Beijing on the basis of equal cooperation and mutual benefits.

The director of the CIA and the head of MI6 made it clear that their only goal is to save the power hegemony of the West in the 21st century, which is why they work closely together.

The Hidden Face of War


By Manlio Dinucci (Grandangolo on Byoblu TV, Italy)


The Forward Observations Group, a private military company based in the United States, published a photo of its war professionals in the Russian region of Kursk, a presence confirmed by a video showing the destruction by the Russian armed forces of Forward Observations Group armoured vehicles and commandos in Kursk. This US military company, whose role is described by the authoritative Military Watch magazine as ‘very obscure’ (evidently, it is linked to US intelligence services), has been engaged for more than two years with Ukrainian forces against Russia with the task of carrying out special operations, including preparing attacks with toxic chemicals.

There is documented evidence that Ukraine is involved in the preparation of attacks with chemical and biological weapons. This US military company is not the only one operating covertly in the theatre of war against Russia. Based on precise documentation Military Watch writes: ‘Numerous facts have emerged about the role of military personnel from NATO member states (including Royal Marines and British SAS commandos) in supporting Ukrainian war operations against Russia. Military advisers, both logisticians and combatants, and other personnel have been operating since 2022 in the theatre of war with a range of newly delivered complex weaponry.’ This confirms that the Ukrainian armed forces are not only armed and trained by the US and NATO, but that US-NATO military companies and special forces operate directly in the theatre of war in command and management roles of sophisticated weaponry, such as long-range missiles and drones, for the use of which military satellite networks are needed, which Ukraine does not have.

At the same time, the US is deploying nuclear weapons (bombs and missiles) at intermediate range in Europe, increasingly close to Russia. Even the missile defence systems, which they deploy in Europe on the official grounds of protecting European populations from the ‘Russian nuclear threat’, are in fact prepared for nuclear attack. The two US Aegis Ashore sites in Poland and Romania and the US Navy destroyers operating in the Baltic and Black Sea are equipped with Lockheed Martin's MK-41 vertical launch systems, which, as the manufacturer itself documents, can be used for any warfare mission, including nuclear attack on land targets.

Italy actively contributes to the preparation of nuclear war. Violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, it hosts US nuclear weapons (the new B61-12 bombs), which the Italian Air Force is trained to use, and through Leonardo it manufactures nuclear weapons. Now Italy has pledged to build - together with France, Germany and Poland - ground-launched cruise missiles with a range of more than 500 km, i.e. a more advanced version of the US intermediate-range nuclear missiles deployed at Comiso in the 1980s, which were eliminated by the 1987 INF Treaty, a treaty that the US tore up in 2019.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

German Greens are warmongers - Brits have gone nuts



In a recent interview with German media outlet AcTVism Munich, Dimitri Lascaris argues that Germany's 'Green Party' violates every core value of the Global Green Movement (including free speech), and that the German Greens should change their name to the 'Party of War'.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is one of the worst warmongers in all of Europe. The woman appears to thrive on war - especially against Russia.


The corpse of Russia-gate has been disinterred. 

Escalating Ukrainian retreat. 

Zelensky’s cabinet meltdown. 

And Sleepy Joe, sixteenth day on a Delaware Beach. Not a pretty sight.

Macron ignores last election results


Source: Contre-Attaque, September 5, 2024

Translation from French: Alain Marshal

 France: After Two Months Without a Government, an Old Right-Winger is Appointed Prime Minister

In 2017, Macron was marketed by the media as a new product. He was elected without a program, solely on the argument that he represented the “new world,” breaking away from the old political class. Seven years later, Macron is resurrecting the worst aspects of the old world, amidst increasing fascization and overt authoritarianism, having shattered the last illusions of representative democracy.

Michel Barnier: A Political Dinosaur

After a prolonged indecision over several candidates for Prime Minister, Macron ultimately chose Michel Barnier, thereby sidelining Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand, other contenders for the role. Michel Barnier epitomizes the political dinosaur: an old-school figure who has been entrenched in the circles of power for 50 years.

Indeed, Michel Barnier has been in politics since the 1970s. At 73, he has been with the UDR, the RPR, the UMP, and finally Les Républicains. These acronyms might not mean much to you: they represent the names of French right-wing parties that have come and gone throughout the Fifth Republic. He has served as Minister for the Environment, European Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Food, and has twice been a European Commissioner. He has served under Pompidou, Chirac, and Sarkozy — times so distant that most of our readers weren’t even born, with the average age of the French being around 41. Michel Barnier was a professional politician before most of the population was born!

What’s even more amusing is that Barnier is a member of an endangered party, which garnered only 4.8% of the vote in the last presidential elections and came fourth in the legislative elections earlier this summer. His legitimacy is questionable at best.


At least things are clear: Macron reiterated that Mélenchon’s Left-Wing Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP), with its 193 MPs, did not have an absolute majority and therefore could not form a government. Ultimately, he appointed the representative of an ultra-minority group with only 55 MPs, with the sole aim of continuing to govern with the right and far right, and pursuing his massively rejected policies. It’s a power grab.

A few days ago, the newspaper L’Opinion revealed that Macron “wants to appoint the ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Armed Forces. But he also intends to choose the occupants of the Interior and Bercy.” On August 30, L’Humanité reported that Macron had said: “If I appoint NFP’s Lucie Castets, she will repeal the pension reform and raise the minimum wage to 1,600 euros…” That’s the crux of the issue: the ruling clan will do anything to prevent even the slightest social advancement.

For its part, Le Parisien explained that Macron had been consulting with Sarkozy, the former right-wing president and convicted criminal, over the summer, seeking his advice on the choice of Prime Minister. On September 2, Le Monde reported that “the Élysée had already found a chief of staff for the next Prime Minister.” This is no longer cohabitation; it’s subletting. The real Prime Minister is Macron. The already tenuous separation of powers is officially abolished.

So Much for That

Recall that the President dissolved the Assembly in an emergency, gave it 15 days to vote, preventing a real campaign, only to wait 50 days and appoint a puppet Prime Minister. For over two months, the press has been complicit in the Macronist coup, never questioning the narrative. In mid-July, they announced: “Prime Minister after the Olympic truce.” On August 27, the headlines still read: “Macron will name a Prime Minister at the end of the week.” Today is September 5.

The Far Right in Power

Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN) has made it clear that it will not censure this Prime Minister. Its spokesperson, Bardella, is even the first politician to respond to the power grab, soberly stating that he “takes note” of the appointment. Bardella announced that he would “judge by evidence,” meaning the far right will not oppose the new government.

In fact, a coalition ranging from the RN to the Macronists is being officially formed before our very eyes. It’s a union of the right and far right against the left, to disregard electoral results, and above all, to continue favoring the rich while wreaking havoc on the lives of the poorest.

In June, the Rassemblement National was the only party to call for dissolution, and Macron granted its wish. For months, Macronists had been holding secret dinners with the Le Pen clan. The current coup is thus a continuation of a process that began long ago.

Now, the last masks have fallen. This pathetic appointment may be the final breath of an old world coming to an end. It is up to the streets to put an end to this dismal spectacle.  

Monday, September 09, 2024

Truth report: Ukraine for sale!



Lindsey Graham ends the short interview saying 'Peace is coming'. Maybe he meant 'a piece of the action is coming'....

Assorted comments from Twitter and YouTube:

  • Zelensky provided an army for the global predator capitalists, and now they are about to reap big from the ashes of the war. While the ordinary citizens are sold a utopian called freedom and democracy, the sharks are already devouring Ukraine most arable land and other resources.
  • Bought and paid for. This is how locusts strip a nation of its assets.
  • Pure evil on full display for the world to see. Yet the Pentagon stenographers in the media are still trying to fool Americans and Europeans that the deliberate US proxy war against Russia was 'unprovoked'.
  • And of course, Ukrainians have no agency, they're just chess pieces.
  •  It finally feels good to see so many people finally waking up to this. Some of us have known this since 2014.
  • zelensky went to golden globes and publicly thanked jp morgan and black rock for their support. he sacrificed his whole nation for money.
  • And the Ukrainians thought they were fighting for their country!! Tragic.
  • This is why many politicians are saying Russia must not win because they have invested in the outcome.
  • That's a deal with the devil. Ukraine's riches will be plundered by such "Investments" in the same way that African countries are.
  • And US is fighting for these companies.
  • That is why US is a staunch supporter of Ukraine.
  • Zelensky, the 21st century's greatest con man and WEF marionette!
  • Those companies are not just trying to cash in on a disaster. They caused the disaster so they could cash in on it.  

Save the date: Keep Space for Peace Week October 5-12


International week of events to stop the militarization of space

Each October the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space organizes Keep Space for Peace Week to bring attention to the need to stop the ever advancing militarization and nuclearization of space.
In 1989 Apollo astronaut (and moon walker) Edgar Mitchell spoke at one of our protests at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and said, 'One war in space will be the one and only. So much space debris would be created that we would not be able to get a rocket off the planet Earth. We'd be entombed to the planet forever. It would be like a mine field not allowing any rocket to get thru the debris field just over our heads'.
Today all war on Earth is directed from orbiting military satellites.
For many years China and Russia have gone to the United Nations seeking to create a new treaty to ban all weapons in space. (Close the door to the barn before the horse gets out.)

But the US and Israel have been blocking such treaty negotiations for more than 25 years. The US has long maintained, 'There is no problem, there are no weapons in space.' It was obvious that the US intended to develop 'control and domination' of space and didn't want any treaty limitations.
Help us during October 5-12 to illuminate this issue for the public who are now massively paying for the militarization of space - what the aerospace industry brags is the 'largest industrial project in human history'.
Check our web site for articles, videos, T-shirts and past events during Keep Space for Peace Week. Click this link



PS Please let us know of any plans you develop during space week.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Ukrainian journalist speaks out


The lie that Ukraine is defending democracy or standing up for "western values" has never been weaker. But now we are getting reports that not just journalistic publications critical of the Kiev-Regime are getting purged, ANYONE who dares to utter opinions not in line with the regime is getting persecuted, even for private conversations. Society is under total surveillance.

I’m talking to Vasyl Muravytskyi, a Ukrainian journalist who has been publishing highly critical reports about his government before and after the Euromaidan events back in 2014, for which he got in a lot of trouble. On 1 August 2017, he was arrested by Ukrainian law enforcement charged with high treason and spent 11 months in prison.

Vasyl now lives in Finland from where he is talking to us, assisted by a translator to help with the English.