Wednesday, September 25, 2024

History lesson: Who blew up Nordstream pipeline?


Gee wiz, who blew up the pipelines transferring gas from Russia to Germany on September 26, 2022? As a result the German economy is collapsing.

Did Russia do it? Why would they?

Could it have been the US?

Award winning journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in early 2023 the following:

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now


How come the mainstream enviro groups across the west never said a mumbling word about the single largest discharge of methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, in known history?


It's clear that the world knows who blew up Nordstream. Why didn't the UN do anything or the International Court of Justice prosecute this crime? It's clear that these 'leading' institutions are sadly under the control of the western corrupt genocidal nations that for the past 600 years have turned our Mother Earth into their playground and cash cow. 


Those days are now slipping away as the Global South through BRICS+ has given the long down-trodden nations the courage to stand up to their long time abusers. The world is changing and the western monsters either must accept their new role as 'one among many' or they will perish along with the rest of us in a desperate terrorist game of 'If we can't be King of the Hill then we are going to blow it all up'. A childish temper tantrum indeed!


The ball is now in the western oligarchs court. Either join the world with respect or begin digging a hole for your own family. Your day is over. 




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