This documentary is a must watch because it answers many questions.
The first part gives us an inside look at the fascist forces being mobilized in
western Ukraine. You see them marching, chanting pro-Nazi slogans and calling
for the death of Russians.
If you can only watch bits then I highly recommend the following:
If you can only watch bits then I highly recommend the following:
* At 28 minutes you see the
start of the recent Nazi attack on the union hall in Odessa.
* At 36 minutes you see the fascists thugs going inside the
union hall to kill those who had ran into the building to escape the attack.
These people, who were calling for a national referendum to give rights to those
opposing the US-NATO installed regime in Kiev, had a peaceful camp established
outside of the union hall before they were attacked.
* At 40 minutes you see the famous fascist 'shooter' taking aim
and firing at those inside the now burning union hall.
* Just after 50 minutes you hear testimony from someone who had
been inside the building.
* At 52:34 minutes you see an interview with a severely injured
man inside a hospital.
Many of these same Right Sector and Svoboda party fascists have now been bought into the Ukraine "National Guard" and are today, under the funding and direction of US-NATO, attacking their own fellow citizens in Eastern Ukraine because they have Russian blood.
This story must be shared and understood by the whole world. To allow this kind of Nazi killing to go without legal action and international condemnation will ensure it will happen again and again.
As such, politics to day had done a 180 on the days of FDR. Now it is all about hitting those emotions hard, fast, and often. Shock and awe is more than a US military doctrine.
In a sense modern political marketing has taken the post-roman religious message and filed off the religious symbolism. Now we don’t fear hell in the afterlife, we fear terrorists (and their “rogue state” backers) bringing hell to our doorstep. And only the valiant politicians (and their corporate supporters) stand in their way.