Sunday, June 02, 2024

Growing pressure on EU to support ICC & ICJ on Gaza



Student protests worldwide are increasing pressure on all governments even if the ruling elites try to pretend they are not bending to growing demands to force Israel to stop their cruel, brutal, illegal and immoral attacks on Gaza.

With EU elections looming - the so-called leaders are beginning to weaken in their knees. 

The entire western system of law has shown itself to be full of double standards. There is one rule for Global South nations and another rule for US-UK-Israel-EU and their agents. The long time western led institutions are displaying their corruption and the world has lost faith in them.

So even though the west wishes to stand by the zionists to the bitter end of their genocidal operations, a shift is beginning to emerge due to the outpouring of support for Palestine. Even the corrupt Arab monarchies are having to press harder on Israel and the west than they truly wish to do.

So it has become clear that the only way out of this current dark nightmare is for all of us of good heart and spirit to step on the gas in these crucial moments.

We must not waiver. We must not stop expressing our full outrage. We must turn against the corrupt political systems controlled by Mr. Big's corporate managers. We must demand a halt to endless war and massive military spending. We must demand an end to cutbacks in social progress and environmental care. Our call must be 'healthcare not warfare'. 'Food not bombs'. 'Education not military enlistments'.

The lives of the next 7 generations are at stake now. Their future is in all of our hands. 


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