Thursday, July 06, 2023

Let's look out for each other


Right against left
black vs white
gay vs straight
USA against the Global South
divide and conquer,
taught to Washington 
by the British empire
which used the technique
to 'perfection'.
White man's
ideology driven
by money and military power.
Indigenous people
lived in tribal communities,
working together,
looking out for one another,
call it 
what you wish,
cooperation, communism
or good old time religion.
has no heart, 
no spirit,
no love for Mother Earth
or the people.
Bank of London 
and Wall Street
all about global control
and cold hard cash.
These pirates
want all the treasure chests.

People have become
superfluous due to
robotics, mechanization,
computerization and AI.

So the herd is being thinned
by hunger, war$, 
unproven vaccines, 
lack of real healthcare,
and benign neglect

We have a choice.
We can reject the corporate
Neo-con prescription 
which equals 
more of the same,
or we,
in our daily lives,
build the alternative world 
of peace, loving,
caring, sharing, 
endless beauty
and respect for all
living beings.
Along with principled
political dialogue.
Being human again,
rather than selfish
and heartless money grabbers.


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