Wednesday, December 07, 2022

German leadership is nuts



 India taught Germany a Lesson: 

That's why the EU continues to FAIL in the International Arena

The study of geopolitics is a difficult and very painstaking task. However, it must be admitted that geopolitics will never make you bored. 

Watching the work of politicians from different countries, you understand how different they all are. Involuntarily, you understand how much they differ from each other in their character and level of intelligence. 

My friends, in this video, I would like to talk to you about German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock. 

In particular, I would like to discuss her visit to India, which ended in complete failure for Germany and a personal fiasco for Annalena Baerbock herself. Annalena Baerbock's visit to India somehow reminded me of the visit of the German national football team to Qatar. They both failed resoundingly. 

Annalena Baerbock went to India on a state visit in order to establish economic cooperation between Germany and India and also to convince the Indian authorities of the need for New Delhi to join the "price cap" for Russian oil and India's participation in all plans of the West to isolate Russia. 


Personal note on Deutschland

I lived in Germany twice. In 1959 we rented the upstairs from a local farm family in Landscheid, near Spangdahlem AFB where my step dad was stationed. I played soccer with the other kids (I was seven at the time) and helped in the fields to bring in the cows at night and the hay. I loved this place and the family that adopted us into their lives. I returned to Landscheid in the 1980's while on a speaking tour across Germany and visited our former landlords and their son.


Lindsey Air Station in Wiesbaden

Our 2nd time in Germany was 1964-1966 when we lived in Wiesbaden, again near a US airbase. We had our car tires slashed while living our first year downtown two blocks from the Hauptbahnhof. I saw my first 'Yankee go home' graffiti on a wall as I walked to school in the 7th grade. Once while playing baseball at a field on the base that was plunked down right in the middle of town (Lindsey Air Station) I noticed an old man staring at us with his two hands woven into the chain-link fence. The look on his face lives with me today - it said, 'Take your strange game and go home. Return our neighborhood to us again.'  

(Wiesbaden was recently named a key US-NATO coordination post for the war in Ukraine.)

Visiting Roman fortifications along the Rhine River with our school class brought home to me that maintaining a military occupation on other lands is a contradiction in time. The former Roman barracks that we were standing upon was by then just a stone floor - no walls, no roof. 

We are currently witnessing the historic collapse of the US imperial project. More than 800 US bases around the world must shut down. The sooner the better.

I hope that the German people will soon take back their beautiful nation from the corrupt corporate agents running Berlin. 


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