Friday, October 14, 2022

Time to speak out next week


We will be on the street in downtown Brunswick, Maine on Thursday, Oct 20 from 11:30 am to 12:30.

We meet at the intersection of Pleasant St (US1) and Main Street in front of the Tontine Mall next to the town green.

Join us with an appropriate sign for our 'No war with Russia' vigil. We've been holding these weekly protests here since mid-February.

We'd like to get a good turnout because we need to enliven our fellow citizens to the current dangers of WW3 coming in a red hot flash. Many of them are still sleepwalking.

Also we urge you to send your congressional delegation in Washington a message. This is what I sent to the Maine delegation this week:

Stop funding this war on Russia that could turn into WW3 in a red hot flash. Ukraine is nothing more than cannon fodder in the US-UK-NATO attempt to break Russia up so the west can steal their vast resource base.

Don't we know by now that all US wars are about fossil fuels and other declining natural resources?

You could also send a letter to the editor of your local paper. You are lucky if you can get it printed. I can't get a letter printed in Maine papers anymore.

And talk to your families, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Show some umph and speak up. We are on the verge of madness.

The Dems are using Ukraine to show how tough they are in hopes of staying in power in Washington this November.

And most important watch and share the film - Wag the Dog.


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