Sunday, October 09, 2022

On my way to India


I am heading today to India for the space issues conference being organized by a Global Network board member who teaches at the hosting law school. This will be the 2nd such space issues conference she has organized - the first was in 2019 which was a huge success with more than 200 participants from 20 law schools across India.

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to post on the blog while I am gone but will do my best.

I return a week later.

Just hope the US-UK-NATO-Kiev don't start a nuclear war while I am gone.

Please do the world a favor and let Biden and your congressional delegation know right away that you think this WW III threatening by Washington is sick, sick, sick.

If you live outside the US, please ask your government to speak out against Washington's war-mongering.

I wish everyone the best.

Good luck.


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