Thursday, October 06, 2022

Space Week Webinar: Dangers of WW III & Space war - Reports from around the world

Webinar Information:

Saturday, October 8

2:00 pm EST (New York)
11:00 am (Los Angeles)
8:00 am (Hawaii)
7:00 pm (London)


* Dr. Dave Webb (UK) Overview of current space warfare system
* Agneta Norberg (Sweden) Sweden: A platform for US war on Russia
* Koohan Paik Mander (Hawaii) Clash of Paradigms: Pacific Peoples vs. Pentagon Robots
* Subrata Ghoshroy (Boston) From ANZUS to Quad, US policy to contain China
* Tamara Lorincz (Canada) With the Militarization of Space by NATO and NORAD, What Are the Possibilities for Peace in Space?
* Bruce Gagnon (Maine) Moderator

Speakers to be followed by audience Comments, Questions & Answers

All are invited

Join Zoom Meeting: (Just click the link on October 8 to enter the Webinar)

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