Much to my astonishment I am getting emails from long respected 'peaceniks' passing on information that says there was no coup d'etat in 2014 (which was orchestrated by the Obama administration). The emails often suggest that there are also no Nazis in Ukraine.
How is this possible that otherwise experienced activists could come to this conclusion? Is it because they have not been paying attention to this issue the last eight years? Or the demonization of Russia is so great across the west that most people's minds are set on 'default' and swing right into the 'Russia is evil' stance?
Could it be that they are listening to the corporate mainstream media and believing it? One email came today from a longtime Veterans For Peace leader on the west coast who wrote, "With all its faults I will take our MSM, NPR, PBS News Hour with the exception of Fox News over the state controlled lies put out by the Putin controlled media."
It might help to know that this VFP member is a loyal Democrat - it seems that when a Democrat president pushes Russia into a corner (which then hits back) there is shock, surprise, outrage and horror.
Sure if you want to know the truth just turn to American media. Remember how they told us the truth about Iraq in 2003, or Libya, Syria, Yemen.....?
Luckily there are some journalists out there telling the truth. One clear example is this article by Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal called: How Ukraine’s Jewish President Made Peace With Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries: While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters.
I know we are not supposed to talk about Zelensky in this way (by telling the truth about him, after all he will likely be named Time Magazine's 'Man of the Year' for 2022).
But I tend to be a person who does not follow the maddening crowd.
Civilians waiting for evacuation in Mariupol. The Nazis would not let them leave. Of course Russia was blamed by the media. |
I must admit I find it exceptionally difficult to cheer for Ukraine knowing that the Nazis are not allowing Russian-ethnics in big cities they control to leave via humanitarian highways. Just yesterday it was reported that the Nazis killed 200 people (including children) in Mariupol in eastern Ukraine when they forced them into the basement of a building and then blew it up.
The last Ukraine-Russia negotiations in Belarus agreed to allow humanitarian corridors from where the Nazis had created 'strongholds' in the city centers. But the Nazis have been refusing to honor the agreement. Nothing new there - although not reported by MSNBC, NPR, PBS News Hour, CNN, BBC, Washington Post or the NY Times.
Have people forgotten about Operation Mockingbird - the CIA control of western media?!!I am at a loss for words to describe the severe disappointment I feel towards alot of the 'peace movement'. I don't expect true pacifists to agree with Russia's military operations in Ukraine. But I do expect them not to be sharing BS emails denying the 2014 coup in Kiev and the presence of Nazis in the Ukrainian army!
It is just irresponsible to distort reality and mislead the public.
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity", warned Dr. M. L. King.
Bruce, I truly sympathize with your frustration, it's really hard to watch psychotics be psychotics. The best story that comes to mind is the myth of Echo and Narcissis. One literally does not and will not recognize the other. Echo symbolizes the unconscious, Narcissis symbolizes consciousness (but truth is the conscious mind is kind of an idiot and the meanings are switched around. Crazy isn't it?)
Back in the days of that myth they didn't know about the left/right hemisphere split, the so-called conscious mind and unconscious mind, but they understood it just as well.
Milton Erickson, the master of hypnosis, could fix just about anyone. Bring him a Nazi and he'd probably have him repaired in a few visits. But not everyone is fixable, and even Erickson knew it. Putin no doubt knows this too, and is doing what must be done.
As for the so-called peace activists who can't see the obvious, it's probably because they're just controlled op, even if they don't know they are! There are tons of those useful idiots around.
Best suggestion I can make is don't let all this stress you, it's all so toxic, and that's how evil rolls. It's how evil shuts you off and away from the Great Current . Don't let it capture you.
Here is the accurate history by American filmmaker Oliver Stone. Those who have been permanently brainwashed will call Oliver a ''Putin puppet.'' But at least I tried to give them the truth. History of the Ukraine Civil War:
I am a combat veteran from the French/US war against Viet-Nam.
So much war fever in USA now, even among some peace activists!
Yes it feels like 'Group Think' on alot of the so-called left. I'd guess it is due to having Democrats in power in Washington. The local liberals think they have to stand by Biden even if it is a sinking ship. Sadly it appears that most of them are good Germans. Be sure to watch this video about the Nazis in Ukraine -
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