Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Save the date.....

U.S. wants to recolonize the world

Sara Flounders recently speaking at the International Action Center in Philadelphia. 

She is a political writer and activist engaged in progressive and anti-war organizing since the 1960s. 

She is a co-coordinator of the International Action Center in New York City. Flounders organized delegations to Iraq to challenge U.S. sanctions, and International War Crimes Tribunals to document U.S. war crimes in Iraq. 

She has participated in fact finding trips to Yugoslavia, Sudan and Lebanon. In March 2019, Flounders participated in a U.S. delegation to Venezuela.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Getting around the wall

Welcome to America.....

Ukraine new president: Hot tours to Chernobyl

The recently elected (actor/comedian) president of Ukraine named Zelensky believes that the site that is associated with one of the worst nuclear disasters must become a point of growth in the near future, which means a stable money source for Kiev, funded by those who want to see the ghost town with their eyes and pay for entry tickets.

Chernobyl (located in north central Ukraine near the border with Belarus) is truly becoming more popular recently, including from far abroad.

But is it wise to let people in?

Monday, July 29, 2019

The cancerous Pentagon space control system

Global Network board convener Dave Webb explaining how the US/NATO have been encircling Russia & China with space technology installations.

Dave chairs the UK's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and lives in Leeds, England.  He is a retired engineering professor who taught peace studies in the final years at his university.

Dave made this presentation in Moscow during the GN's spring Russia Study Tour.

Video by Will Griffin.  See more videos from the Moscow series of meetings and talks here.

It helps if you 'Like' the videos and also hit the subscribe button. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bullets keep flying in Donbass.....and hearts break

Another day in the Donbass.....shelling continues by fascists in Ukraine against their own people - nothing is done about it. The US-NATO arm, train and direct the attacks on innocent people living in eastern Ukraine.

When Alexander speaks, you feel the bitterness in his voice. His house is burnt to the ground, bullets are flying over his head every day and it's hard for Kominternove residents to understand the use of Russian talk-shows about Donbass.

He lives only 500 meters away from Ukrainian positions and Ukrainian troops keep on getting closer and closer.

"Here is my kitchen, sauna, laundry room. Anything you need. Even guests are coming over!", tells Alexander.

These simple words are heart-breaking. Because this is the most dangerous part of the settlement, every step on Kirova Street can be your last one... During the interview a machine gun is shooting nearby and a bullet is swishing very close. However, local people are so used to the warfare, that it doesn't even interrupt a conversation.

Humans grew up taking care of each other....

RT speaks to Dr. Gabor Maté on the Tory leadership election and his opinion on favourite-to-win Boris Johnson, Anti-Semitism allegations against Jeremy Corbyn, crimes of Israel against Palestinians, capitalism and its creation of social problems, the Democratic Party and how it lost to Donald Trump and how it uses Russiagate to escape responsibility for their loss and how mainstream media limits debate.

Sunday song

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Seeking the real story.....

A very compelling investigation.

Five years ago, on July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was blown out of the sky while flying over eastern Ukraine. It was on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 283 passengers and 15 crew on board we killed. It was immediately claimed that Russia was responsible, something that Russia vehemently denies.

Bonanza media investigative team of independent journalists take exclusive interviews with one of the suspects of downing the MH17, Malaysian prime minister; colonel that collected black boxes and much more. Eye opening testimonies from witnesses and irrefutable evidence from experts. Exclusive footage shot in Malaysia, The Netherlands and at the crash area in Ukraine.

The US, Ukraine and NATO don't want the truth to be known.  One can conclude why.

See for yourself.


Friday, July 26, 2019

Public comment period on 'Space Command'

Public comment period opens for U.S. Space Command alternatives 

Three Colorado bases competing for U.S. Space Command have space for new facilities, according to an environmental assessment offered for comment on July 24.

Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base, both in El Paso County, and Buckley Air Force Base in the Denver area, are among those under consideration for command.

The other bases contending for the command include Vandenberg Air Force Base in California or Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.

A 30-day public comment period opened July 24. Click on this link to view the EA.

Email comments, which must be contained in the body of the email and not in attachments, can be sent to

Or mail comments to Russell Perry, HQ AFSPC/A4C, 150 Vandenberg St. Suite 1105, Peterson AFB, Colorado, 80914-4230.

Deadline is Aug. 23.

Key points that could be made in the public comments are:

1) The cost of a new arms race in space will be massive and we are in deep debt - we need to take care of Mother Earth and deal with climate change.

2) Space Force will necessitate huge numbers of rocket launches which pollute the environment and punch holes in the ozone layer.

3) We need to honor the United Nations Outer Space and Moon treaties that established that space should not be an arena of war.  Instead the US should be negotiating a new treaty to ban all weapons in space.  Russia and China for years have been urging the US to join them in doing so.

4) It is clear and obvious that the aerospace industry views space as a new profit center.  The industry has identified the 'entitlement programs' (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and what little is left of the social safety net) as the new funding source to pay for their ambitious and dangerous plans for space control and domination in the coming years.

5) Select none of the proposed sites now under consideration.  We can't afford to expand the 'Space Command' or 'Space Force' - what ever it may be called.

Ask a question about the economy....and dive in

  • Ian Winer, investor, philosopher and author of “Ubiquitous Relativity: My Truth is not the Truth” joins Rick Sanchez to discuss the slowing growth of the US economy and whether a recession looms. He argues that the Fed and other US institutions appear to be “preparing for the worst.”

  • When you don't produce much anymore, except fracked gas and endless war, your economy is a paper tiger.

This nation is physically collapsing - roads, bridges, subways, water and air quality, massive homelessness, education system imploding, massive drug use, people working 2-3 jobs to survive - the list could go on all night.

The entire Trump 'public relations campaign' is an acting job.  While in DC last weekend a black man with a table at the entrance to the Smithsonian metro stop was handing our free red MAGA hats.  He was pushing them hard and said to me, "They're free man!  Here, take one, they're free!"

That is what corporate money does.  They can print MAGA hats (or pink knitted ones when they want to fire up the 'left side') and hand them out nationwide over night.  The Wall Street bankers (who really run the show in oligarchic Amerika) aren't going to stand at a table outside the metro and hand out the hats.  They hire some guy off the street, flip him a couple of $20's and you've created the appearance of a movement.

It's all psychological warfare - its a corporate game to capture the minds of the working class as they lose jobs along with any hope they might have had... and want someone to blame.  These folks at the bottom of the barrel have been used repeatedly in this country - to support the destruction of Native American culture, support slavery, fight the wars for oil, and keep the bankster class in power by falling for the flag-waving BS.

But the clownish-west now has no leadership and no positive vision.  That is why most thinking people are rejecting Trump, Boris Johnson in London, shaking Merkel in Bonn, Macron in Paris, and the idiot head of NATO (former Norwegian prime minister).  All these people represent the capitalist system that is destroying the planet.

I am sad about the state of the world - and about the passivity of most of the 'progressive' people in this country.  I guess they are keeping their heads down thinking that the NSA won't ID them.

But the algorithms on Fazebook already got them cataloged so what's the diff at this point.  You are on the list so why not just go out and raise some hell while you still can.  Look what the fired up folks in Puerto Rico just did!

Your kids and grandkids will thank you for the effort.


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Epstein Is Found Injured in Jail Cell

New York Times story today reports:

Mr. Epstein, the financier charged with trafficking minors for sex, had marks on his neck, and officials were treating the incident as a possible suicide attempt.
Mr. Epstein, was taken into custody on July 6 at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey after a flight from Paris. An indictment unsealed on July 8 charged him with sex trafficking and conspiracy. Prosecutors said that between 2002 and 2005, Mr. Epstein and his employees paid dozens of underage girls to engage in sex acts with him at his homes in Manhattan and Palm Beach, Fla.

Mr. Epstein faces up to 45 years in prison if he is convicted of sex-trafficking and conspiracy charges, and the long sentence, the government argued, gave him a motive to flee.

He has pleaded not guilty.

Didn't take long - some big wigs want him dead before he talks..... It will be interesting to see how long he lives.  The corporate fat cats that were involved in this sex trafficking operation are also heavily influential in the media.  They have friends in the courts, in Congress, the White House and throughout business and entertainment industries around the world.  

They've got alot of power - they are the mob bosses - and they will kill anyone who dares to get in their way.  We need a real 'criminal justice' system to take down this evil operation.

Thanks to some alternative media this story is staying alive and the public is getting a chance to take a peek behind the mirrors where Mr. Big sits. It's an ugly picture, hard to stomach, but we must look because it helps us to face more of our own illusions about America.  

This country is a global hazard.  North America is run by the mobsters who dress themselves up nicely with Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Princeton robes and make illusions that God is on their side.  They are the robber barons, the pirates, the plunderers and today their sites are set on the whole world and the universe beyond us.

They even aspire to be the Masters of Space.

Let the example of the Puerto Rican people inspire us all to stand against the corruption that grips most global governments.


Message from Mars

Have you heard enough times
the recent question,
Where were you when Apollo
landed on the moon?

Talk about corporate hype
Intended for what purpose?
Right, to sell the next phase,
the profit$ rolling in
for another Moon shot
and Mars missions
after that

The Mars Society,
run by a Lockheed Martin
"The Earth is a rotting,
stinking, dying planet.
We've got to move civilization
to Mars and terraform
the Red planet."

Imagine the cost of turning
into a beautiful green planet
like Earth.

I hear you,
why not just take care of this
green wonder we live on now?

But just one problem with that
the 'aerospace industry'
can't get rich beyond
by cleaning up
boring old Mother Earth

Anyway you cut it
we're in big trouble,
especially the kids,
they see little future
here on this tiny,
spinning orb,
and Mars don't look
so inviting either

What's a human
to do?


Binny: CIA controls western media

Former NSA technical director and whistleblower William Binney says: "The media is totally infiltrated by the CIA and various other agencies. When it comes to national security, the media only talk about what the administration wants you to hear, and basically suppress any other statements about what's going on that the administration does not want get public. The media is basically the lapdogs for the government.

"William Casey, who was the director of Central Intelligence Agency back when Reagan was president, said at one point that you'll know how effective we are once at least 70 percent of what’s publicly known is false.

"In other words, they have been infiltrating the press for decades and they're pushing their thinking and agenda to the media, so the media will promulgate it to the public. The public won't even have any idea what’s really going on.

"The objective is to keep everybody uninformed so that they can't make a smart decision about anything. Everything is being done behind this secret door that you are not supposed to know about. That is really destroying the fundamental essence of democracy.

"That was what our Constitution was all about, that the people were supposed to know what the government was doing. Not the government knowing what the people were doing at all times, they way it is turning today.

"We are pretty much heading towards a totalitarian system. In this country, democracy has been subverted, much I think by Dick Cheney. He masterminded this because he would spend time in Congress, he knew about the congressional operation, how it worked. He was assistant to President Nixon, spying on everybody. He knew that he needed to know things about people in the opposition. What better way to do it than have a sister agency and the US government just open up and collect everything, store it, so you can go in and look at it at any time retroactively and examine anybody."

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Historic landslide for president’s party in Ukraine: what does it mean for war and peace?

Listen to "Historic landslide for president’s party in Ukraine: what does it mean for war and peace?" on Spreaker.

Ukranian President Volodymir Zelensky’s party is projected to win a majority of seats in the country’s 450-seat parliament. It would be the first time since Ukraine’s independence in 1991 that a party has won an outright majority. But what does that mean for foreign policy, especially toward NATO and Russia?

Brian and John speak with Bruce Gagnon, a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus, and Jeremy Kuzmarov, a professor of American history whose latest book is “The Russians Are Coming, Again".

Message from Lugansk labor leader

Last October I went to Moscow to do advance work for the Global Network's spring 2019 Russia Study Tour.  While there I met Lugansk labor leader Andrey Kochetov at a conference.  He recently asked me to start a petition opposing US-Canada weapons sales to the Ukrainian government which I have done.  Andrey felt it important to get people in North America to know more about those on the receiving end of these weapons that are daily used to target the people living in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine (the Donesk and Lugansk areas).  Following the recent landslide victory of new President Zelensky's party in the Rada (parliament) election I asked Andrey to give me his reaction to events in Ukraine.  Here are his words. Bruce

On July 21st, 2019, extraordinary elections to the parliament – the Verkhovna Rada – took place in Ukraine. These elections were initiated by the president Vladimir Zelensky, who announced dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation right after his inauguration. At the time of the presidential elections, which took place on the 21st of April, the Verkhovna Rada’s popularity rating among Ukrainian people was at a record low level of 4%.

Before participating in the presidential election, Zelensky was a fairly popular comedian and actor, one of the organizers of a comedy show “95th quarter”. A TV serial “People`s Servant” with Zelensky as a main character had obtained a huge popularity. He plays a president of a country who declared war to oligarchs in power.

While conducting analysis of why Zelensky won the presidential elections, it is not quite clear whether Ukrainian voters were led by aversion to ex-president Poroshenko or by a desire to see in Zelensky the hero of the “People`s Servant” who radically fights against oligarchic clans. However it be, after elections Zelensky had been lightning fast in achieving the pinnacle of power in Ukraine. But from the very first days at the new office, Vladimir Zelensky faced clear resistance from the Verkhovna Rada, which had refused to dismiss the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavel Klimkin despite Zelensky submission for that.

Somewhere about twenty political parties of Ukraine made an attempt to take part in the elections. But it was clear from the start that a list of those who had overcome a voting barrier of 5% would have consisted of only 4-5 parties. According to the data of the Ukrainian Central Electoral Commission as on the morning of 24th of July, an unconditional victory was gained by the presidential party “People`s Servant” – 43.16%. The second place, with a large lag, goes to the “Opposition Platform - For Life” (Victor Medvedchuk, Yuriy Boyko, Vadim Rabinovich) - 13.01%. Third place is taken by the party of a former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko “Batkivshchyna” with 8.18%, followed by the party of the former president Petro Poroshenko “European Solidarity” (8.12%). The last passing place is occupied by the “Voice” - the party of another political newcomer, singer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk with 5.84%. Despite one of the lowest turnout – 37-39% – and more than 40 criminal cases initiated for violations, the elections were recognized by the officials of the USA, European countries etc. and are supposed to have legal force.

It is still hard to predict how productive the Verkhovna Rada of the IX convocation will be. But it is worth noting that a political force of Vladimir Zelensky gained clear and doubtless victory what will obviously make his life as a head of the state much easier. Whether life of Ukrainian people will become easier – this is a question which can be answered after certain time and certain activities of the new Ukrainian authorities.

Unfortunately, residents of Donbass, who have been living under shelling of the Ukrainian army for five years, expect no particular changes. Just as the ex-president Poroshenko, president Zelensky had completely changed his “peaceful” electoral rhetoric in relation to the Republics of Donbass after the victory of his political party “People`s Servant”. The past few days after parliamentary elections had showed complete unwillingness of the new Ukrainian authorities for even a slight attempt to hear the voice of those Ukrainian citizens who are shelled by Ukrainian army. In his numerous media statements Zelensky consistently disappoints Donbass people by rejecting Minsk agreements which provide a peaceful scenario for regulating a conflict between Ukraine and Donbass Republics.

Zelensky is used to speak out readiness but not actually to carry out requirements of these agreements so for now nothing from Minsk peaceful treaties is done by Kiev – neither removal of heavy weapons nor full amnesty of the conflict parties etc.

During five years of armed confrontation in the east of Ukraine, the Kiev leadership has been shooting its own people justifying themselves by fairy tales about “terrible Russian aggression”. Ukrainian authorities are trying to convince the whole world that all their targets are only the Russian army, somehow ignoring thousands of victims among civilians. During five years the Ukrainian government has been persistently and methodically doing everything to push the Donetsk and Lugansk People`s Republics out of its state. It is true that at the beginning of the conflict many of Donbass people had experienced a grounded sense of nostalgia for life in Ukraine. But now, with each day of military conflict, there are less and less sentiments about possibility of “peaceful” life in the state where murderers of children proudly call themselves “heroes”.

~ Andrey Kochetov
Chairman, Trade Union of Small & Innovative Enterprises of Lugansk People's Republic (Donbass)

You can sign the petition suggested by Andrey here.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is it good for????

Activists at Beale AFB in northern California.  They'd been getting arrested at this drone/spy operations base every month for several years.

My family lived at Beale AFB and I graduated from Wheatland high school in 1970.  My dad worked on the spy plane (SR-71) cameras at the base in those days.

I had the great honor of being arrested with these folks at this very gate a couple of years ago.  The charges were dropped.

From what I've seen and heard they get a pretty good response from the GI's when they block the morning drive time gate each month.

Love their signs.


What comes next in Ukraine?

  • Elections for the Rada (parliament) in Ukraine were held on Sunday and it appears that the new party under President Zelensky will win a strong majority.  The question remains as to whether Zelensky will end the war on his own Ukrainian citizens who are the Russian speaking population in the Donbass, near the Russian border?

  • In this video interview political scientist, Dimitriev shares his thoughts on what happens next in Ukraine:

”Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Two men walk into a room and leave with the same anti-Russian policies. Two men arrive under slogans of ”peacemaking” and rational politics but with actions steadily keeping to the same program . . . but which program? According to political scientist, Dimitriev, Ukraine’s senior partners in Washington determine the brink of what is possible, huddling in Ukrainian political characters into a special ”corridor of possibility”. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to stay in line with the promised election slogans during their campaigns. Add the Soros organizations and NGO’s that are active in influencing these campaigns into the mix and you can understand why Dimitriev mentions Ukraine as a playground for political experiments.

The political field in Ukraine has reached a level of unison in its actionable policies where a puny Opposition Platform remains just to showcase the illusion of democracy. The perspective is one to consider in line with Ukraine’s recent snap elections.

  • A good background piece for understanding the Ukraine story can be read here.

  • Also Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down on June 19, 2019, in the Kremlin, for an on the recorded interview with Oliver Stone. The Russian government has released a transcript of the interview. Putin’s discussion with Stone about the 2016 presidential election and more can be read here.

Monday, July 22, 2019

U.S. counter-insurgency base in Honduras

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal rolled up on the Soto Cano/Palmerola air base in Honduras, the US military's largest in Latin America.

It plays a key role in Washington's military strategy for Central America, and was a major factor behind the 2009 coup.

Video by Ben Norton

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Weekend in Washington.....

MB and I have just returned from a weekend in Washington DC.  I had some frequent flyer miles that I had to use or lose.  So, we decided to travel to DC and visit our dear friend Herschel Sternlieb (I think of him as the godfather – in the best sense) who now is in an assisted living facility near his son.  

After his wife Selma, long-time peace stalwart in Maine, passed away last year Hersch was moved to DC.  We spent lots of time at their home for meetings, parties, talks, and game playing over the years after we moved to Brunswick in 2003.  Selma is hugely missed by all but at least we can still soak in the love and wisdom of Hersch now and then.

As always when we go to DC, we stayed at the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House where we have many good friends.  The only thing is that DC was hotter than hell all weekend and their big house stays quite warm even though we had three fans blowing in our room.  Many years ago, the house was a Catholic convent which was donated to the Catholic Worker community.

We arrived mid-day on Friday not sure what we’d do that night – hoping there would be some kind of political activity in the city but as it turned out nothing of interest was happening.  So that left us with just one good choice – take the hour-long train ride to Camden Yards in Baltimore to watch the Orioles play the Boston Red Sox in a baseball game.  

MB was agreeable to this plan since my birthday comes next week and she has pity on me as the Orioles are the worst team in all of major league baseball.  The Red Sox are the defending champs so we were prepared for the worst.  It turned out that the O’s won by a score of 11-2 in a well-played game (including an inside the park home run) by the lowly O’s and we caught an Amtrak train back to DC, arriving at the Catholic Worker House just after midnight.

Up early Saturday morning we grabbed a cab to get to Herschel in time for breakfast.  He misses Maine so much (he ran a textile mill for many years in his day) but it was a joy to once again spend time probing his quick and gentle mind for his take on politics.  He’s long maintained that our nation’s massive debt, plus our cancerous military spending, were dooming us to a hard-economic collapse.  

We’ve learned so much from him over the years – such as Obama was ‘made’ by the Crown family in Chicago who are the majority stockholders in General Dynamics Corp. which owns Bath Iron Works.  It was Obama that forced the Navy to build the Zumwalt ‘stealth’ destroyer at more than $7 billion per copy when the Navy didn’t even want them.  Obama was paying the Crown family back for greasing the skids (within the military industrial complex and the national Jewish community) to get him elected.  

We left Hersch at noon and took a cab to the African-American Museum in DC.  It’s damn hard to get into this place – even though the tickets are free they are almost nearly impossible to get ahold of.  Our cab driver though told us to get in line and tell them we came all the way from Maine and maybe they’d take pity on us and let us in. It worked and they told us to come back in an hour’s time and they’d let us enter. So that is how it all turned out.

There were legions of buses parked just outside the museum. Big groups of African-American families with colorful T-shirts, designating one family reunion after another, were also lined up waiting to get in the museum.  It was like a pilgrimage – once we got inside there was very little room to move around as the crowd was enormous but electric. 

The museum recommends you begin in the basement level and work your way up to the 4th floor.  But because of the crowds we did the opposite.  On the 4th floor were the stories of the descendants of slaves who have contributed so much to America and the world in music, politics, art, literature, sports and more.  

They do a wonderful job of mixing standard museum artifacts and written descriptions with multi-media imagery.  My favorite thing was the Muhammad Ali section that much to my delight showed his anti-Vietnam war statements that led to his being kicked out of boxing for several years.  Ali is one of my greatest lifetime heroes.

Finally, we moved down to the basement and got in the long line which had us waiting more than 30 minutes before we reached the slavery section.  The first thing we saw was some European woman of ‘royalty’ quoted as saying that ‘Yes slavery was indeed horrible but our economy needs the cheap labor and profits’ from this brutal and evil system.  This entire part of the museum movingly shared the horrid story of the ‘passage’ from Africa to the Americas and then the calamitous life of the slave in the US.

The next level up was about the resistance to slavery – from the Nat Turner rebellion to the Underground Railroad to revolution and liberation in Haiti.  The story of black participation in the Civil War was not neglected and emancipation brought a temporary ability of black citizens to vote and participate in the government at long last.

But the next level up brought us to the KKK, Jim Crow and the crackdown on liberation.  The brutality of lynching, Emmet Till and much more.  But all along this journey, over and over again we were given the often-little known stories of those who fought for freedom and liberation from a hypocritical nation that declared ‘all men were created equal’.

The civil rights movement was on the next level and a most remarkable display was present there – a long lunch counter with screens at each seat where one could order from an interactive ‘Woolworth’s menu’ which had choices like protest, voting, etc.  Each different menu item took you to another series of stories and questions – asking you what you would have done at the time if you’d been sitting in the middle of these historic moments of activism.  

Probably the best part of the museum for me was just watching this overwhelmingly black jammed-packed crowd slowly making their way thru the museum.  Old women in wheel chairs, young people, folks singing and moving to the sounds of several generations of black music and entertainers who brought such beautiful culture to a white bread society.  Watching the people learn and share what they knew about this event or that one – the burning in 1921 of an entire black section of Tulsa, Oklahoma because the white folks couldn’t handle the fact that black people (left in peace) could in fact create a successful and happy life.

The museum opened in 2016 and is still packed every day.  It’s just so heartwarming to see how black people have such a place where they can go to connect, or reconnect, with their hard, sad, and joyful struggle in the ‘land of the free and home of the brave’.
I’m glad we finally got inside this great place and I urge everyone to take this pilgrimage as well.  

I’ve always believed in, and am eternally grateful, for the loving, determined spirit that African-American people have brought to this land.  I also am lovingly grateful for the rich culture they have created here to America – the place where I learned to love the blues.


Hope dies last......

"I go to the neighbors, helping Kuzminishna with her garden etc, and sometimes have to crawl back home! What can I do, if they shoot like Hell?", tells Alexander who is living in the bomb shelter for more than 3 years already.

Kominternove residents can't relax even during rare moments of silence: they are awaiting something to happen. Nowdays shelling can start not only at night, but any time of the day. People need to stay alert every minute.

Take action:  If you've not yet signed the petition addressed to the US-Canada opposing their arms sales to Ukraine please do so here.  People from any nation can sign.

Sunday Song

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Unfolding crisis of the capitalist system

During our spring Russia Study Tour, while in Moscow, we heard from former TV reporter, documentary film maker, and rock band leader Konstantin Syomin.

He had alot to say about Russia and I think you will like listening to his voice and thoughts.

When I made my first trip to Russia in October 2018 Konstantin interviewed me on his TV show that is quite popular on YouTube - see it here.


Friday, July 19, 2019

The Long Range Plan for space....

Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network, interviewed by RT News speaking about the history of the US maintaining the goal of dominating space.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Arrested protecting Mauna Kea in Hawaii

On day three of the scheduled start of construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), police made their move to clear the Mauna Kea Access Road in Hawaii.

People gathered at Hawaii's tallest mountain to protest the construction of a massive telescope on land that Native Hawaiians consider sacred. A group of kupuna, or elders, tied themselves together with rope at the road to the summit of Mauna Kea.

A resolute group of kupuna, many of them well known Hawaiian cultural practitioners and dedicated aloha ʻāina, once again sat in the path of police, as they had on Monday and Tuesday. This time, however, police did not stand down. Officers from various law enforcement agencies took the kupuna into custody, one by one.

The Mauna Kea Kiaʻi and police agreed to conduct the arrests with respect. The hundreds of TMT opponents who lined the road sat, off-to-the-side on the lava rock, and quietly observed hamau kāleo, as the kupuna were respectfully guided to the police trucks for processing. Some of the elders were overcome with emotion as they were led away. Many onlookers cried at the sight. Officers were seen hugging kiaʻi.

“Our kupuna are being arrested,” wrote OHA Trustee Dan Ahuna in an urgent message. “Fellow OHA Trustee Hulu Lindsey was taken into custody. Our voices are being ignored. I implore the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to immediately file an injunction to halt any further efforts by the State of Hawaii, University of Hawaii and the Thirty Meter Telescope until the matters in our lawsuit are resolved.”

Canada's link to Nazis in Ukraine

July 18, 1943

Nazi collaborators of 14th SS "Galizien" division march through the streets of Lvov, Ukraine under the watch of top ranking German officers during WW II.

Just a reminder that there are monuments to these collaborators in Canada in Oakville, ON and Edmonton, AB. How is it possible to erect monuments to Nazis in Canada which lost more than 40 thousands solders fighting the Nazis?

Lvov in western Ukraine today still remains a stronghold for the latest generation of Nazi sympathizers who worship Stephan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator who welcomed Nazi Germany's invasion of Ukraine and whose forces murdered 60,0000 members of the Polish minority in Ukraine. (See video just below for more details.)

The current government in Kiev recently honored Bandera by declaring a national day in his honor.  

Do you still wonder why the folks in the Donbass (eastern Ukraine near the Russian border) are critical of the US imposed regime in Kiev that has many Nazis inside the government?

#StopNazism #Holocaust #NeverForget

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ukraine fascists wanted to kill Italian politician

Ukraine reached the headlines in Italy today. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, said that a group of Ukrainian terrorists was preparing an assassination attempt on him.

They were detained with weapons from machine guns to missiles.

Salvini's nationalist party has close ties with Moscow and thus he was on the Nazi hit list.

CNN journalists rushed to say that they're rebels from Donbass (eastern Ukraine near the Russian border). However, the police have completely different data. They said that the Italian police detained Ukrainian Neo-Nazis - fighters from punitive battalions.

This story is a clear indication how much of the western media works overtime to protect the truth from getting out to the public.  The fascists (who worship the WW II Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera) in Ukraine are indeed the ones who have been leading the attacks on the peaceful people of eastern Ukraine since the successful Washington orchestrated coup d'etat in Kiev in 2014.

They don't want the public to understand this reality because it would blow a gigantic hole in the USA's public relations campaign about 'truth, freedom and democracy'.  The ugly truth is that the US government is the world's leading terrorist.  If you doubt that just ask anyone on the receiving end of western directed attacks in multiple countries.

Every now and then we get a video like this one that gives us some truth.  But oh, that is a Russian TV station, some say.

Who cares if this station is from Mars.  I want to know what is actually going on in the world and sometimes I find it on Russian media.  I thank them - it's more than we are getting from CNN, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post or the NY Times!

See other coverage here


No love for Macron

Bastille Day celebrations didn't go as planned for French President Emmanuel Macron. He was met with boos and calls for him to resign. Numerous arrests also took place as the 35th consecutive Yellow Vest protests continued on Saturday in France.

Former UK MP George Galloway weighs in on the chaos.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only his dogs remain on his street

"Uncle Semen" from Zaitseve (Donbass in eastern Ukraine) in his very unique and straight forward way tells what he thinks about ceasefire and makes unexpected comment about Nadezhda Savchenko, running for people's deputy.

His house was shelled and burnt by incendiary munitions more than once. After his home became unlivable, Semen had to move to another village. However, every day he returns to Brusilova Street under the sniper's fire to feed his dogs.

His only hope is that Ukrainian sniper will feel pity for an old man and won't shoot...

If you are so moved please sign the petition opposing US-Canada weapons sales/gifts to the puppet government in Ukraine.  Anyone can sign this petition, no matter where you live.  The petition was initiated by a labor union leader in the Donbass.

Sign here

Will anyone be held accountable for these crimes?

MB and I have been following the story about the Epstein 'girl sex slave' operation he and other big wigs have been running for years.  He was always protected by the legal system, politicians, the media and dirty money. 

Now suddenly, miraculously, Epstein is caught in the net.  Will the story go away like in the past or will it lead to other disclosures and finally, real justice for the many victims of these evil doers?

Some have speculated that Epstein works for the CIA and Mossad.  Just resigned US Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta (formerly the federal prosecutor in southern Florida) went before a congressional committee in 2017 after Trump nominated him for Secretary of Labor. During questioning Acosta swore he was told from 'higher up' that Epstein was an intelligence asset and was to be left alone.

I'm a curious sort so I began reading other media outside the mainstream about this case.  Allegations are made that Epstein's sex slave operation is global - particularly in Kosovo.  Blackmail, money laundering, human trafficking, slavery, moral repugnance all come to mind. 

These are the daily workings of the corporate mobsters that are international and evil.  I call them Mr. Big just to shorten it up a bit.  But we must also see the faces of these criminals - they must all be exposed.  Epstein is one, a key operator, but I want to know those he is working for as well.  They are the real Mr. Big and need to be taken down.

I've got a pretty good idea who they are: both mainstream political parties are loaded with their agents; Wall St. and Hollywood moguls; media stars and celebs; military industrial warmongers; corporate drug pushers; allied fascist operators in Israel, Saudi Arabia and beyond.

But who will expose the big story? In my lifetime we've watched the so-called hearings about the Red scare in the 1950's; Vietnam war hearings; Watergate hearings; Iran-Contra 'affair' in 1987; Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings in 1991; Bill Clinton's impeachment hearings; and presently we have RussiaGate.  None of them were chasing justice - they were public relations productions to distract and cover up existing criminal activities. Few were ever held accountable.

 Philip Giraldi, former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer, in writing about the current Epstein story, wonders:

With an election year coming up, the Democrats would hardly want the public to be reminded of Bill’s [Clinton] exploits, but one has to wonder where and how deep the investigation might go. There is also a possible Donald Trump angle.....

Selective inquiries into wrongdoing to include intense finger pointing are the name of the game in Washington, and the affaire Epstein also has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel. Unless Epstein is an extremely sick pedophile who enjoys watching films of other men screwing twelve-year-old girls the whole filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures. Those blackmailed would undoubtedly in most cases cooperate with the foreign government involved to avoid a major scandal. It is called recruiting “agents of influence.” That is how intelligence agencies work and it is what they do.

The New York Times reported yesterday that:

Investigators discovered a safe in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan mansion that held “piles of cash,” diamonds and an expired passport from a foreign country which had Mr. Epstein’s photo but a fake name and said he lived in Saudi Arabia.
Prosecutors revealed the safe’s contents as they argued on Monday in Federal District Court in Manhattan that Mr. Epstein should be denied bail before his sex-trafficking and conspiracy trial because he was a flight risk and a danger to the community.

Obviously Epstein is indeed a flight risk if the court allows him to post bail.  This case has all the makings of a real summer blockbuster.  One can imagine that behind the scenes big wheels are turning hard and fast in order to attempt to keep this story from blowing sky high.

It is up to the public to demand truth and justice for the young women who have long suffered at the ugly hands of fat cats like Epstein and the other names in his little black book.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Growing disgust with endless wars

A recent opinion poll shows the majority of American veterans think foreign wars were not worth fighting. RT spoke to one such person, who says his tours in Iraq and Afghanistan served weapons manufacturers and not people.

“These wars were unjust, illegal, immoral, should never have happened,” Will Griffin, who is now an anti-war activist and organizer, told RT. He said that would be true regardless of any poll.

America’s growing disillusionment with endless military deployments on foreign soil was highlighted in a Pew Research Center report on Wednesday. The polling agency said 64 percent of veterans in the US thought the war in Iraq was not worth fighting. The same answer was given about Afghanistan, the longest war in America’s history, by 58 percent of those polled.

Griffin said one didn’t need to look deep to see that engagements in the Middle East were reprehensible and senseless.

“More civilians have died than enemy combatants. Veteran suicides are at all-time high. There are no schools or hospitals being built in these countries. More bombs are being dropped. And terrorist organizations have risen exponentially since 2011. So every goal that we had going in to Iraq and Afghanistan have failed by every single measure,” he explained.

As a veteran, he knows well the feeling of guilt that one can bring back from a deployment.

“The things that we did were very bad and evil things. I spent two years in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said. “As a mechanic I most certainly worked on vehicles that killed people over there. Who they killed I do not know.”

He said after returning home and educating himself he realized that he was basically cheated into believing that his military service was justified.

“I never served or provided service to the American people or the people of Iraq or the people of Afghanistan. Who I did serve were the corporations, the weapons manufacturers and the politicians, who benefited their careers off of these wars and off of the lives of my fellow soldiers and innocent civilians,” he said.

~ Will Griffin is a Global Network board member and lives in Philadelphia, PA.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cracking down on Stone

The office of a Ukrainian TV channel, which has been complaining about threats coming from nationalists [fascists] over its editorial policy, was attacked overnight with a grenade launcher.

Now just ask yourself, who is directing this operation to suppress Stone's film about the US-NATO orchestrated coup in Kiev in 2014?

Russiagate is the public relations answer to this desperate empire's disastrous chess move in Ukraine.
Sadly both parties in Washington have their dirty hands in the Kiev cookie jar.  Getting them out will be a challenge and a huge necessity.


PS Thanks to those signing the stop funding of weapons to Ukraine petition that was initiated by a Lugansk labor leader.  The numbers are steadily climbing but most important is that people are seeing this issue (many for the first time) and deciding to give it some time and energy.  Here is one example at Gar Smith's (former editor of Earth Island Journal) site called Environmentalists Against War.

Sunday song

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Oliver Stone on the situation in Ukraine

Plus a look at Russian TV reactions.....

And the Kiev puppet regime shelling of the Donbass, with full support of US-NATO, continues each day.....


Friday, July 12, 2019

VFP members stuck in Ireland after anti-war protest

Yesterday the Irish High Court denied U.S. Veterans For Peace (VFP) members Tarak Kauff and Ken Mayers appeal of their bail conditions requiring them to stay in Ireland until their trial. "As soon as the judge opened his mouth," said Tarak, "I could tell he was going to deny the appeal. It's clearly political."

This means that Tarak and Ken could be required to stay in Ireland for years, much longer than any possible penalty for their charges should they be found guilty.

The judge said that if their charges are moved from the Circuit Court in County Clare (where it's not possible to get a fair trial regarding Shannon Airport) to Dublin, he might reconsider the question, as the Dublin Circuit Court is backed up for years.

Seven members of VFP from the U.S. came to Ireland in March 2019 to show solidarity with Irish peace activists who have been campaigning for years with nonviolent direct actions at Shannon Airport since 2001.  Kauff and Mayers entered Shannon Airport on St. Patrick's Day this year to search and investigate an Omni Air plane carrying up to 300 armed U.S. troops to the Middle East.

When brought before the court the day after they were arrested at Shannon, they were denied bail and held in prison for 12 days, until a high court appeal against their unjustified imprisonment could be arranged.  Their passports were seized and they've been held in Ireland ever since.

During the intervening time they've been bannering, leafleting, doing media, and speaking to the public and parliament members about the U.S. military use of Shannon.

It is likely that the prime minister of neutral Ireland was coerced or otherwise persuaded by President George W. Bush to allow Pentagon and CIA aircraft to land and refuel at Shannon Airport in Ireland on their way to Washington's wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

It appears that Tarak and Ken are being used by Ireland and the U.S. to make a point to others.  The message: don't bother coming to Ireland and trying to shut down Shannon.  It's become a U.S. air base in spite of Ireland's professed 'neutrality'.

Parts written by Edward Horgan (VFP Ireland) and Ellen Davidson (VFP New York City)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

It's all about the maps - trigger for war

I am like a man possessed when it comes to the Ukraine story.  Not only do I suffer while watching the daily genocidal shelling by the US-backed government in Kiev of people living in the Donbass (eastern Ukraine near the Russian border) - but I've also put my ear to the railroad tracks and hear the train coming.

Take a look at this story about the US (since unable to grab Crimea in 2014 following the US orchestrated coup d'etat in Ukraine) presently building/expanding new Navy and Air Force installations in Ukraine.  The US is preparing for war with Russia - poking them - prodding them - escalating war exercises near their border.  The US-NATO are just itching for Moscow to make a move they can use as justification to start dropping the hammer on Russia.  It would be a colossal mistake.

The online site called Breaking Defense ran the story called US Upgrades Ukrainian Ports To Fit American Warship. The story reads in part:

As tensions rise between Russia and Ukraine on the Black Sea, the US is upgrading several Ukrainian naval bases to give American and NATO warships the ability to dock just miles from Russia-controlled Crimea.

Centered at the Ochakiv Naval Base and the military facility at Mykolaiv — 40 miles east of Odessa and less than 100 northwest of Crimea — the American-funded effort includes reinforcing and upgrading existing piers and adding a new floating dock, security fencing around the bases, ship repair facilities, and a pair of brand-new Maritime Operations Centers from which Ukrainian and NATO forces can direct exercises and coordinate activities.
Romania, which sits just 150 miles across the water from Crimea, is buying the Patriot air defense system from the US, and Romanian and American forces recently held a series of air defense drills in the Black Sea that simulated shooting down drones.
This is the reverse of the 'Cuban missile crisis' from October of 1962 when the former Soviet Union and the US almost went to nuclear war over deployments of Soviet missiles in Cuba.  As it turned out the Soviets were responding to the US having deployed missiles first in Turkey.  President John Kennedy didn't even know about Pentagon missiles in Turkey.  In the end the US 'quietly' removed the missiles in Turkey and the Soviets stepped-back in Cuba. 

Hopefully there is a strong debate going on inside the Pentagon about the advisability of making such war mongering moves.  I've seen a few, short on info, reports about conflict inside the war rooms but not enough.  It's no surprise the Washington Post or the NY Times say nothing about this.  They are owned by the same corporate forces who want western control of the planet.  At the Pentagon they continually practice a new war between the 'red team' and the 'blue team'.

One should keep in mind that the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker community has been holding a weekly morning peace vigil for more than 20 years at one of the entrances to the Pentagon.  I've been there several times while in Washington.  It is fascinating to watch the reactions of the multi-ethnic Pentagon personnel who flow in each morning by the thousands.  One of my favorite things to say when a high ranking officer walks by is:  "Colonel, do you think we've killed enough people yet, sir?"

For me Ukraine is central to the whole plan for domination of Russia.  The CIA, National Endowment for Democracy and the George Soros Open Society Foundations and others are doing their best to intervene and destabilize virtually all the nations near or bordering Russia.  There is a big conflict now raging in Georgia as the US ramps up tensions there.

I was asked by a labor union leader in Lugansk, Ukraine (one of the larger cities in the Donbass) to start a petition to oppose US and Canadian arms sales/gifts to Kiev's puppet government.  I met this man in October of 2018 at a conference I attended in Moscow while there doing advance work for the Global Network's 2019 Russia Study Tour.  I was impressed by his gentle spirit and directness.  When I got the request from him to do the petition I felt compelled to do so.

But there is a difficulty.  The host of the petition is Roots Action but they are not willing to give it a 'helping push' because of the forthright language I put in it about the Kiev government being run by Nazis who the US is promoting, arming, training and directing.

This is the headquarters of the internal security bureau in Kiev, Ukraine.  Who do you think really runs the place?

I know this because I've been studying the Ukraine story practically daily since 2014.  All the evidence is there as to what is really going on. Just click on the links I provided above.  Read it for yourself and make your own determination.  Ukraine is a trigger for WW III.

The melting of the Arctic ice gives the RAND Corporation and Washington the hope they can move military operations into that once frozen zone and make it possible to balkanize Russia to ensure that western oil corporations take claim to the vast resources there.

You can see and sign the petition I created here.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Ukraine fascists: No talk allowed between the people....

Ukraine revealed its unique nature before European officials who arrived in Kiev to hold the Ukraine-EU summit but came across multiple fits of hatred by local politicians toward local journalists.

They became indignant when they found out that journalists from the channel NewsOne, in cooperation with journalists from VGTRK, are preparing the Moscow-Kiev teleconference because "We Need to Talk."

To prevent that conversation, fascist fighters, who went through the Maidan in 2014, used their bag of techniques, intimidation, and threats. Newly elected President Zelensky quickly got in line.

The dirty hidden story.....

You can sign the petition to Trump and Canadian president Trudeau demanding that both nations stop supplying weapons to the Nazi infested government in Ukraine here.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Talking about struggle in church

MB, Tanya Bukharina (our guide from our recent trip to Crimea), Regis Tremblay and myself went to the Neighborhood Church in Bath on Sunday for the service.  Rev. Bill Bliss (who went with us to Russia) spoke about forgiveness and letting go.  The need to learn to love and show penance for our collective bad behavior.

That's a tall order for must of us - the line between sanity and psychopathy - how do we stay connected to nature and one another while inundated with the brutality and arrogance of  Mr. Big and his lackeys on Wall Street and the Bank of London? Exceptionalism and empire are the works of the devil.

Following the Church service about 20 people stayed for the 'Afterglow' discussion time where MB, Tanya, Bill and I spoke about our recent trip to Moscow, Crimea and St. Petersburg.  Bill put lots of pictures and maps on a big TV screen for everyone to get a better sense of what is going on there.

I told about how Bill Clinton signed the 'NATO Enlargement' program that broke the promise to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the reunification of Germany, that the NATO war machine would not expand eastward 'one inch' toward Moscow.

Ever since then the NATO expansion plan has been on steroids with its goal to encircle Russia with military bases.  Similar to the way Iran is currently surrounded by US military bases.  And China is being surrounded with a NATO that has morphed into the Pacific region.  NATO is the military arm of corporate capitalism.

It was magical to watch the church folks open their hearts to Tanya from Crimea.  She speaks well and her warm smile touched them all.  I was pleasantly surprised at how, in general terms, people seemed to intuitively understand the whole Russia story.  People are not stupid - many of them have worked for corporations and they have seen the way Mr. Big throws his weight around.

People  understand how evil our government is - they just don't want to get involved.  The material world and 'success mythology' keeps their nose to the grindstone.  Credit debt is another key tool to keep the masses in line and it works.

I pointed to the Arctic Sea map and said that drilling for fossil fuels in that once frozen zone will now be possible.  The RAND Corporation has a plan to break Russia up into pieces so that the oil corporations can take control of the region. NATO is holding regular war games up in the Arctic zone in order to prepare to 'capture' the region.

One man approached me once we concluded the 'Afterglow' and I should say he was hot.  He understands everything going on, his heart is breaking over it all, but he thinks there is no stopping Mr. Big.  We talked about resignation, giving up, surrender.....just walking away.

I reminded him that I've heard him play drums at church musical events.  I told him he was in touch with the heartbeat of the Earth.  If we are alive we must hear the heartbeat that calls for struggle to survive - that is the essence of life. 

I told him I can't quit.  Mr. Big might win many battles but I'll never surrender.  I am in line with those who understand that human dignity, sovereignty and solidarity requires us to stand up to the corporate oligarchies.  I told him that each day I look for things to do to keep connected to the struggle for life and justice.

To do less would be submission to slavery - of the 21st century variety.
