Friday, July 29, 2016

U.S. Marines Land in Odessa, Ukraine

In the framework of the multinational military exercise Sea Breeze, on Wednesday, July 27th, soldiers of the US Marines landed on one of the beaches in the Odessa region. 

This was reported by “Ukraine Press“. The Marines practiced disembarkation from a landing ship near the village of Lebedivka. The Americans were able to land on one of the beaches, after locals were asked to leave. The website adds that law and order was overseen by the soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The naval exercise Sea Breeze-2016 was conducted from 18th to 30th July in the Odessa and Nikolaev areas. The maneuvers involved 25 warships and boats of the naval forces of Ukraine, US, Romania, and Turkey. It also involved aircraft.

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