Saturday, February 20, 2016

Russia: The 2nd Most Powerful Military in the World?

Russia Insider says:

The venerable Stephen Cohen lays into Hillary, Obama and the NATO military build-up against Russia with RT's Ed Schultz (formerly of MSNBC).

The US and its NATO vassals continue to live in a fantasy land of Russian threats. But Barack Obama apparently can't decide if Russia is a threat or not.

In March 2014 Obama declared Russia a "regional power" which was threatening neighboring countries "out of weakness."

Yet now he says Russia has the "second most powerful military in the world."

Wow, Vladimir Putin has engineered a remarkable climb in Russia's strength in only 2 years.

My view: Add the NATO members to the US total and you get about 60% of world spending on the war machine.  Russia a threat?  Hardly.....

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