Friday, September 26, 2014

The Nobel Peace Prize

  • I'm deeply struck by the suicide of Jacob David George (see below his video and moving story).  He was a brilliant kid.  I'd heard about his recent death but it was not until last night at our Maine Veterans For Peace meeting in Augusta that I really felt it.  Richard Clement, who chairs the group, asked that our chapter send $250 to a fund being raised to honor the life and work of Jacob.  I saw how deeply Richard was impacted by his death... his own son was in the Iraq war and he understands the anguish of a parent.  He took Jacob's passing hard.  It made me want to know more about Jacob... so I thank Richard for the chance to feel Jacob's soldiers heart.  I fucking hate war. And greed.  And bullshit.

  • It's sick to have to watch the war mongering run-a-way freight train blast through Washington and London (and Brussels & Riyadh) on its way to more war in Syria.  I saw yesterday that polls are showing high percentages of 'liberal Democrats' are supporting Obama's latest bombing campaign and his drone policy.  If the party says 'Seig' the grassroots Democrats say 'Heil'!  

  • Then I saw Jeb Bush (former governor of Florida) wants to run for president so we'll likely get the line-up of Clinton-Bush for the White House.  The CIA-backed dynasty. People love sequels... and hey, this is all a movie anyway.  Total theatrical production.  Just no popcorn for this showing.  I was still living in Florida when Jeb first became governor and I'll always remember what he said during his inauguration speech in Tallahassee as he stood between the various tall state capital buildings.  Bush pointed to the government offices and said, "My dream is that some day these buildings will all be gone."  Lots of cheers.  There are many oligarchs, feudal masters, pirates, and other such corporate criminals living in the sunshine state.

  • So on a global scale we are now heavy into the war for final control of what is left.  The US-NATO killing machine is cranking full speed ahead for resource and population control.  Who will stand against this criminal syndicate?  BRICS (Brasil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) seem ready to take it on.  I think Ukraine is the counter-move by US-UK chess players.  (One amongst many simultaneously being made.)  I read this morning at The Vineyard of the Saker this piece and wanted to share a bit of it.  Sergey Glazyev [Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences] writes for Russia in Global Affairs :

Summary: The world needs a coalition of sound forces advocating stability – a global anti-war coalition with a positive plan for rearranging the international financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit, fairness, and respect for national sovereignty.

U.S. actions in Ukraine should be classified not only as hostile with regard to Russia, but also as targeting global destabilization. The U.S. is essentially provoking an international conflict to salvage its geopolitical, financial, and economic authority. The response must be systemic and comprehensive, aimed at exposing and ending U.S. political domination, and, most importantly, at undermining U.S. military-political power based on the printing of dollars as a global currency.

The world needs a coalition of sound forces advocating stability —in essence, a global anti-war coalition with a positive plan for rearranging the international financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit, fairness, and respect for national sovereignty. 
  • In the end neither the Russians nor the Chinese will be able to save our necks.  Only we can do that by organizing locally, nationally and globally.  It's that moment in planetary history that each of us have been prepared for by our ancestors - the fight for human dignity and environmental justice is full on.  We can't miss the train.

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