Monday, June 25, 2012


  • A Norwegian corporation that builds off-shore wind turbines is holding three public meeting across Maine this week.  The Gulf of Maine has huge wind potential and so far it appears that U.S. industry is slow, like they are in most alternative energy development, and will get beat to the finish line by overseas developers.  That makes it more likely that the construction of the wind turbines would be done offshore as well.  Let's hope I am wrong.  A couple of friends went to the meeting today and I'll be anxious to hear what they say about it.
  • I had my doctor appointment today to review my heart stress test and he said they found no plaque blockages in my veins though he said my heart had an irregular beat.  But he said that was just me.  Sounds normal for me - always have to do things a bit off beat.  He urged me to continue good diet and exercise habits.  
  • My work on our Space Alert! newsletter is done and is now in the hands of our graphic designer Nancy Randolph.  She does the layout and does about as good a job as anyone I've ever seen.  Hopefully will be at the printer by the end of the week.  Think it will be a good edition.
  • I tape my next public access TV show on Wednesday.  Going to interview a couple of folks about the East-West Highway the corporations want to build through Maine.
  • I head to Philadelphia on the train July 1 and will be there til the 5th.  The Occupy movement is holding a national gathering there and I will be joining with the Veterans Peace Team which is a new project of Veterans for Peace.  We will be involved in many public events to stand in solidarity with various protesting groups.  Should be an exciting time.

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