Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is how the bankers, Hedge Fund operators, and big insurance companies are protected these days. The New York City cops slam, bash, spray, and arrest citizens for having the audacity to challenge the unregulated thievery on Wall Street.

These protests on Wall Street are largely being ignored by the mainstream media. This report on MSNBC is a rare bit of coverage.

The idea that the U.S. is an "exceptional" nation is a lie. The idea that America is the bastion of freedom and liberty is a myth.

Where is Hillary Clinton at this moment? She's lately been lecturing the leaders of Libya, Syria, and other places where the citizens are in revolt. She's been talking alot of trash about rights of free speech and non-violence. But when the victims of state brutality are in the U.S. you find the "leaders" silent. It is evidence that their words ring hollow.

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