Organizing Notes

Bruce Gagnon is coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He offers his own reflections on organizing and the state of America's declining empire....

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Location: Brunswick, ME, United States

The collapsing US military & economic empire is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran...a sign of psychopathology for sure. We must all do more to help stop this western corporate arrogance that puts the future generations lives in despair. @BruceKGagnon

Friday, June 10, 2011


Professor Yang Yoon-Mo left his hospital bed to join a news conference where many South Korean peace, justice, and reunification groups declared their support for the Gangjeong villagers in their effort to halt construction of the Navy base.

MacGregor Eddy reports from Jeju Island:

I am exhausted. In court Sung-Hee appeared thin and more distressing to her friends, quiet and passive. Next court date June 22 [so trial not over yet]. Professor Yang is skeletal but smiling. He left the hospital for the court and the community center bus returned him to the hospital.

There are banners all over the village. The head of the ssociation to stop the Navy base has asked that the GN send a banner to display. The construction of the naval base and destruction of the coral reef has been stopped today.

I started a water only fast at 8 am this morning at the blockade of the base construction entrance. Most villagers have to go to work, but if the Navy or the construction company start work a siren will go off and they will come to help.

Skip a meal today and use the time to call the nearest Korean embassy or consulate. Please send Bruce and me what they say exactly, and get the name of the person you talk to. This is very, very important.

Below video is Gangjeong Mayor Kang speaking. You can get a view of the scene along the coast.


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