Monday, August 23, 2010


1 comment:

Brother Jonah said...

This might be just wishful thinking, don't know for sure. But yesterday there was a teaser for FOX news locally about "hundreds" of people protesting the Community Center in Manhattan.

Hundreds. Ahem. Out of 7 MILLION people in a city with mass transit that runs 24/7 and anyplace in Manhattan is easy to get to, for anybody..

On a Sunday afternoon and they only got "hundreds" to come out for their whine-fest. That's if FOX did their usual and inflated the numbers, I don't see any time that they ever under-report the numbers of people showing up to support their agenda.

But, that also means that six million nine-hundred ninety-nine thousands didn't take the time to protest the bigotry. Glass half empty, I guess.