Saturday, April 10, 2010


* Six of us went door-to-door in our city of Bath this morning and dropped 625 of the Bring Our War $$ Home campaign door-hangers. Some of us will go back out on Sunday to do some more.

It was quite amazing because we all returned to the Addams-Melman House within five minutes of each other. We each went to different parts of our town that has a population of 10,000. All of us were complaining of the same tired legs as we were up and down steps and hilly streets.

* The new documentary film called Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space is beginning to be seen around the globe. The other day I got an email from an old friend in France who saw the film on French public TV and was surprised to see me in it. Canadian Broadcast Corporation is now preparing to show the documentary and it is also scheduled to be featured in the Doxa Documentary Film Festival in Vancouver on May 11. See details here

Still no word when the film will be released in the U.S. I assume a distribution deal has not yet been worked out for the U.S.

* Baseball season has just started and my team (Baltimore Orioles), perennial door-mats in the American league Eastern Division, are off to a less than stunning start. Could be another long summer. The basketball season has about four games left and my team (Washington Wizards) are in last place in their division although last night they beat the powerhouse Boston Celtics in what I hope is a sign of better things to the next year or so.

* Info about the next $33 billion Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan war supplemental is starting to come out. A vote in the Congress on this should be coming sometime in the next month. See more here Now is the time to rattle your chains.

* Obama's nuclear deal with Russia calls for about a 30% cut in nuclear weapons, about the same amount that Ronald Reagan suggested in the early 1980's when negotiations broke down largely over the Star Wars issue. In today's world Russia fears U.S. expansion of "missile defense" deployments in their backyard and the ever growing expansion of NATO along their borders. Russia has stipulated that if the "missile defense" deployments continue they reserve the right to pull out of this new treaty.

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