There was also a drone protest this past weekend in upstate New York were Reaper UAV's will be based.
Out near Las Vegas, Nevada a series of protests are being planned at Creech AFB where drones are flown via space satellites over Afghanistan and Pakistan. A CodePink bus will go from the San Francisco bay area to Creech on November 26 and folks will hold actions outside the base thru December 2.
Here in Maine the key advocate for a UAV flight test center at the closing Brunswick Naval Air Station, John Richardson, is declaring his candidacy for governor today. He is a Democrat, and former speaker of the Maine House of Representatives. In the last couple years he has been serving as the Commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development. In that role he has been serving on the base redevelopment authority and well over a year ago I saw an article in the local paper where he was pushing drones. In his news release Richardson, trying to take the usual cautious middle of the road position of most Democrats these days, claimed "This is no time to get stuck on old ideas and arguments from the far right or far left. There’s a job to be done in Maine."
You have to wonder if his "far left" BS is intended to set the stage for further advocacy of drones in Brunswick as he "valiantly" tries to bring jobs to the suffering people of Maine.
The Democrats are happy to take any and all Pentagon largess....that's one reason why I will be voting for Maine's Green Party governor candidate Lynne Williams in the next election.
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