I think you will like the song. Have a good day and keep on the path. The tree above is in Africa and has animals carved into it. Click on the photo for a better look. Age like a tree.
* Our planning group for the April 3 Town Hall Meeting on Economy, Health Care, War & the Environment met last night in Portland. We now have 45 co-sponsors for the event. We have invited our entire Maine Congressional delegation, the Governor, the Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, the leader of the Maine Senate, and leaders from the Maine Municipal Association to attend the event. So far we have heard from Congresswomen Chellie Pingree and her daughter Hannah Pingree (Speaker of the House in Maine) that they will be there. We want our elected officials to listen to what the public has to say on these issues. The last time we organized one of these in 2006 we had 500 folks turn out and it was a great event.
* The situation in Pakistan is very intriguing to me. Come to find out the U.S. has not only had the CIA operating inside the country for some time (no surprise there) but also military advisers of a secret task force overseen by the U.S. Central Command and Special Operations Command. In addition, a team of Pakistani air defense controllers are working inside the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad to coordinate Pakistani F-16 attacks in the tribal areas. This to me is just astounding - it clearly signifies that the U.S. has been directing a war inside Pakistan for some time and totally compromises the government of Pakistan. It shows they are completely subservient to U.S. control. On one hand the U.S. is bombing and killing civilians in large numbers and the Pakistani government complains about it as the anti-American movement there grows by leaps and bounds. But on the other hand, the U.S. is orchestrating the moves from our embassy. Incredible story.
I heard on the news the other night, can't remember where now, that the Rand Corporation was saying that the U.S. is not targeting the central HQ of the Taliban. Now that is interesting....makes me think the Pentagon wants to drag this thing out. Why? Just like in Iraq, they want to stay a long time. Still can't find Osama.......It's only going to get worse.
* I heard from an old friend via Facebook this morning. We played in a rock and roll band together in high school while living on Beale AFB near Wheatland, California. He now lives in Georgia and we'd not been in touch since about 1971 or so. The band was called The Resurrection. Have to admit that the Internet is pretty cool. Hope space junk doesn't knock out all the good satellites that allow this kind of communication.
* The Global Network has signed onto a statement that went out this morning to the new Attorney General. It reads in part, "We urge Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a non-partisan independent Special Counsel to immediately commence a prosecutorial investigation into the most serious alleged crimes of former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Richard B. Cheney, the attorneys formerly employed by the Department of Justice whose memos sought to justify torture, and other former top officials of the Bush Administration."
See more at: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/prosecutorstatement
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