Saturday 1st September 2007
United in our commitment to a peaceful future, we recognise that the United States Missile Defence programme is a significant threat to global security and stability. We reject the US Government’s argument that the system is defensive. On the contrary, this system will allow the US to attack another state without fear of retaliation, and is already leading to a new nuclear arms race. The system will undermine international commitments and treaties on nuclear non-proliferation, arms control and space security. It is already provoking a new Cold War, and will jeopardise the security of people in Europe and across the world.
All Governments supporting US Missile Defence, by hosting radar, missile and intelligence bases on their soil, are putting their populations on the front line of attack in future US wars.
We the participants in the London Conference:
• Call on all Governments to reject the system and its facilities, and for the peoples of all countries to lobby their Governments to withdraw support.
• Call for increased campaigning at bases and facilities linked to Missile Defence, and for support to be given to campaigners resisting the development of Missile Defence sites in their countries.
• Commit ourselves to exposing US Missile Defence as a destabilising provocation, contributing to the danger of war and nuclear weapons use, and to raising public awareness of this major threat to our security.
We will work together, building a global, united campaign, to prevent this threat to world peace.
Conference signatories:
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
Ivona Novomestska, Ne Zekladnam (No to Bases), Czech Republic
Filip Ilkowski, Stop Wojnie, (Stop War), Poland
Yves-Jean Gallas, Le Mouvement de la paix, France
Peter Richter, German Peace Council
Bruce Gagnon, Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, US
Pol d’Huyvetter, Mayors for Peace
Helen John, Menwith Hill Women’s Peace Camp(aign)
Lindis Percy, Campaign for the Accountability of US Bases, UK
Andrew Murray, Stop the War Coalition, UK
George Woods, NEC, National Union for Students, UK
Professor Dave Webb
Dr Ian Davis
Dr Elaheh Rostami-Povey
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