Wednesday, May 11, 2005


On May 5, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) sent a "Dear Colleague" letter to all members of Congress urging them to join her in an effort to defund Project Prometheus, the nuclear rocket. See her letters at this link:

In the letter, Rep. McKinney says, "I write to invite you to join me as a co-signer on the two attached letters. They are intended to protect our citizens from the potential of a catastrophic nuclear accident posed by the Prometheus Project, a NASA/DoE/Pentagon program to develop and deploy a nuclear propulsion rocket."

"The first letter is directed to the office that will prepare the Preliminary Environmental Impact Statement for the Prometheus Program. The second letter is to express the support of Members of Congress for shifting Federal funding from the development of nuclear propulsion systems to research and development for solar and other alternative energy systems that can support our space program."

This effort by Rep. McKinney is a crucial step in the effort to ensure that we stop the nuclearization of space. In addition, it is the nuclear rocket that could be used to power weapons in space like the space-based laser so it is also a vital step in ensuring that we cut-off the power source for the weaponization of space. (In a study Commissioned by Congress called Military Space Forces: The Next 50 Years, staffer John Collins reported that "Nuclear reactors thus remain the only known long-lived, compact source able to supply military space forces with electric power.... Larger versions could meet multimegawatt needs of space-based lasers..... Nuclear reactors must support major bases on the moon until better options, yet unidentified, become available.")

We urge all our affiliate members and supporters to immediately call your Congressperson in Washington DC and request that they contact Rep. McKinney's office to become a cosigner of her letter calling for the defunding of the nuclear rocket. Please call the Congressional switchboard right away at (202) 224-3121 and ask for the office of your Congressional representative.

Please help us by passing this e-mail on to your personal lists so that we can expand the numbers of people who see it. Call me if you have any questions.

It is not often that we get Congressional support to end the arms race in space. We don't want to let Rep. McKinney down! Please act today.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you, Bruce, for forwarding the 5/20/05 article from the Baltimore Sun ("Space Junkyard").........

Important....... and very overlooked dangers...... you can't get boy or girlscout troops to go on roadside cleanup trips out yonder.... that is one pristine environment that can't be restored.....

We throw up and blow up our *^*#$% out there...... and forever after it will KEEP HITTING THE FAN...... it can only get worse. Onward we go., digging ourselves ever deeper into the quicksand of greed and power-lust......... we are enshrouding ourselves in a net of deadly shards, insuring our status as a "Devil's Island" in our sector of the galaxy...... unapproachable, surrounded by a vast barbed, shrapnel fence of disastrous proportions, and, of our own making.......

No safe rapture for Bush and the revelation folks. Sorry. Soon, if we don't stop this space race to self-extinction, no one will be able to enter or exit the space envelope around planet Earth without colliding with orbiting space trash. Just booby traps for the whole human race...including the boobs that planted "space-mines" en route to delusional, mythic star wars.

One Giant leap......... we come in PIECES for all mankind.