Wednesday, September 04, 2024

U.S. barreling toward nuclear war with China, Russia & North Korea



The New York Times has reported that Biden approved a classified “secret nuclear strategy” in March which prepares the U.S. military for a simultaneous nuclear strike to “deter” China, Russia and North Korea. 

On this episode, historian Peter Kuznick joins Amanda and KJ to discuss this new development, how U.S. scaremongering over China’s nuclear weapons is part of a propaganda campaign to normalize nuclear war, and the dangerous road this new strategy takes us toward.

Our understanding of China — and U.S.-China relations — has become a defining feature of all global politics. 

The China Report is a new show produced in collaboration with Pivot to Peace where every week, journalist Amanda Yee and political analyst KJ Noh will be helping you through all the propaganda with an independent view of the country we are taught to hate, but know so little about.

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