Tuesday, September 03, 2024

History lesson: US-NATO trains Nazis in Western Ukraine



Soon after the US orchestrated coup in Ukraine in 2014 the Pentagon established a military training base in western Ukraine (where the Nazis predominate) and Army Special Forces from Ft. Carson, Colorado were repeatedly sent to this base on temporary duty (TDY) to train these Nazi forces.  In this video then Obama Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt (from the famous 'F the EU' phone call with Victoria Nuland) takes a train ride to the base and brags about the training they were doing there.  I knew about this because the son of a friend was twice assigned from Ft. Carson to this base.  After the training the troops were sent to attack their fellow Ukrainian citizens in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine right along Russia's border.



Take a close look at this photo and see if you recognize any of the American politicians in this meeting with Ukrainian troops.  From the right to the left: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Rep Marcy Kaptur (D-OH). The strategy was to have these troops get rid of their Nazi symbols and put on US supplied uniforms in order to disguise their true nature. A typical public relations gambit. This photo indicates the US 'bi-partisan' support for the war on the Donbass and Russia. 


Russia, Germany and France encouraged the Ukrainian government to negotiate the Minsk Agreements with the Independent Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk.  The idea was to give the two Russian ethnic republics local autonomy where they would remain part of Ukraine but be allowed to decide for themselves what language they would speak and make other local political decisions.  The agreement also called for a ceasefire and reduction of tension and withdrawal from the line of contact by all troops. The Russians were not yet inside the Donbass but had supplied weapons to the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk republics self-defense forces. 

The Kiev government, still being armed, trained and directed by Washington, to this day has never honored the Minsk Agreements. Instead they have continued shelling the villages of eastern Ukraine. 

In 2022 former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko all admitted they never intended to honor the Minsk Agreements, but had used them to stall and buy time to further build up the Ukrainian military. Russian President Vladimir Putin told the Russian people, 'They played us'.


I was invited to visit the Donbass region by a labor union leader in 2019. I was taken to see the reality of the shelling by the Kiev regime against their own citizens.  This picture was an apartment block in Donetsk. Day care centers, hospitals, schools, airports, rail stations, bus stations, local shops, water treatment plants, churches and more in the Donbass have been continually shelled since 2014.


Ukraine has some of the richest farm soil in the world. They were the bread basket of the former Soviet Union. A law has been passed by the US dominated regime in Kiev that mandates the sale of the land to western agri-business interests.  Today BlackRock owns a lot of land in Ukraine and has recently complained about Ukrainian troops being buried on 'its land'.


Western Ukrainian Nazis attacked Russian-ethnic Ukrainian citizens in the Odessa Trades Hall on May 2, 2014 killing well over 50 of them. They had been gathering signatures outside the hall for a referendum calling for a 'federated Ukraine'.


I've been following this sad and tragic story virtually daily since the coup in Kiev in 2014. I've gone to Odessa in 2016 for the Mother's Memorial at the Trades Union Hall and to Russia in 2018 and 2019. During these trips I visited Moscow, Crimea, St. Petersburg and the Donbass region (Donetsk and Lugansk).  I have a pretty good handle on what is the true and what is not.  Bottom line is that US-NATO won't leave the region alone because the US wants regime change and break up of Russia. They want a more compliant government in Moscow that will serve western banking and resource extraction interests.  Russia refuses to take that untenable position - just like they refused to surrender while ultimately defeating Hitler's Nazi Army, but only after losing 30 million Soviet citizens. (Alternatively, the US lost less than 500,000 in WW2.)

So now we witness a time when the west has jacked up tensions so great in Ukraine-Russia that we face possible war between the two leading nuclear powers on the planet - the US and Russia.  It seems to me that folks ought to learn more about this tinder box since global survival is dependent upon peace in this part of the world.  US-NATO should have left Ukraine and Russia alone and let them work things out. 

Does Moscow involve itself in US relations with Canada and Mexico? 


1 comment:

Regis said...

Can't remind Americans enough of the sordid record of their "representatives:" Obama, Biden, Nuland, McCain, Graham, Blinken, Kirby, Sullivan, Austin, and others.
It was the USA that provoked Russia to act in defense of its own security concerns. It was the USA that funded, and orchestrated the 2014 coup in Kiev and overthrew a democratically elected president. It was the USA that initiated the 10 year war on the Donbas, on Russia's front porch, killing more than 15,000 innocent civilians.

I too have been there on two occasions to see for myself the evil being conducted by the blood-soaked hands of the USA, the evil empire.

I now live in Crimea next to this US war raging next door wondering if more US made missiles and drones will strike us here?

Only evil can take all life on the planet to the very brink of extinction.