Thursday, September 05, 2024

Come stand with us for Palestine!



On September 21 at 11:00 am we will hold another of our monthly statewide protests in order to stand with Palestine as zionist genocide continues.

We will stand near the Common Ground Fair in the town of Unity with non-stop traffic crawling by us. We will have the opportunity to make eye contact and hand flyers to those on their way to the fair.

It will be another great opportunity to share our deep concern about the need for the public to help push Washington away from its unyielding alliance with the zionists who commit these war crimes in Palestine.

Stop arming Israeli war crimes NOW!

Please join us.

(We invite you to have lunch with us after the protest inside the House of Pizza)


Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Maine Natural Guard, PeaceWorks of Greater Brunswick, Communist Party of Maine, Maine Green Independent Party, Citizens Opposing Active Sonar Threats (COAST), Party for Socialism & Liberation Maine, Libertarian Party of Maine, People’s Party of Maine, Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, Veterans for Peace - National, and United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC). 

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