Sunday, May 30, 2010


* Just in case you have forgotten about Iraq the above video should cure your memory loss. It's a perfect example of how corporate globalization is working to destroy every country on the Earth by turning them into slaves of the international banking system.

* Not good news either from the Gulf of Mexico where BP announces their latest "fix" didn't work. How long does the government sit in the front row and watch BP destroy the world's oceans? I heard a report on the radio the other day that oil is traveling via an undersea current to Key West in Florida....this stuff is going global while BP keeps screwing up. Time for some grown-ups to intervene.

* I spent most of yesterday working in our yard on the garden and stacking firewood. Our garden is now mostly all planted with sunflowers, squash, tomatoes, cukes, lettuce, spinach, beets, green beans, carrots, peas, peppers, chard, kale, leeks, and basil. Today I will continue on the wood stacking. It's nice to do something where you can see immediate results.

* I got an email from Denis Delestrac yesterday. He is the Director of Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space. He said he just signed contracts to have the film shown in Spain, Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina during our October 2-9 Keep Space for Peace Week. This will be a great step forward for us as we have had little success in outreach to Spanish speaking countries over the years. He feels confidant that we will have the film available on DVD in October as well.

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