Friday, April 02, 2010


Four hundred years ago, our ancestors founded their place here where water is clean and the landscape is beautiful.

The sea is the indigo blue as to make my eyes cool.

The row stone walls are that I depended upon when I learned my first walking

The alleys are where I played with my friends not knowing the sun’s already setting.

On the way to school, I used to see the Beom Island beyond the row walls. And my grandfather's tomb.

Until the day becomes dark, I used to rise on the bank and played with my younger brother, waited for my father’s fishing boat returning back.

During the day of hot sun-rays, my mother used to work in the farms.

I can not forget the shining sun-rays on my mother's back whenever she returned home.
Unnoticed, I grew up and met my lover.

Became to have the children whom I will not feel the pain even though I put in my two yeses.

I raised them with love, here in Gangjeong.

We are the Gangjeong people.

We have never sold Gangjeong. We have never given up Gangjeong.

Until the hot blood in our bodies become cold, we cannot stop fighting.

We are the Gangjeong people.

ACTION NEEDED: If you have not yet called or emailed to support the villagers of Gangjeong who are fighting against the building of the Navy base, please do so right away. Call the South Korean Embassy at 202-939-5692 (Admiral Choi) or 202-939-5600 or email at

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