Friday, August 09, 2024

My sanity patch


Our burial stone remembering Loukie & Stan Lofchie who adopted MB and I after we moved to Maine in 2003. They found us our first home in Brunswick and showered us with love til their passing. (Click on photo for better view)

These photos I took on Monday while at the community garden. This is my patch that I've now had three years. It is where I go to escape a bit from the madness that surrounds us. 

(Although quite difficult late last week when the Air Force Thunderbirds were 'thundering' just above the garden drumming up support for their August 3 show-off here in Brunswick.)

I ride my bike one mile from our apartment to the garden. I love riding my bike and do it as often as possible during spring, summer and fall. Twice a week I also ride the bike to the local college swimming pool for my exercise routine. Having spent so many years living in Florida I do like being in the water even if it is an indoor pool.

I've already harvested peas, garlic, spring radish, diakon radish and lately taking kale, green beans, and lettuce. I've got cherry tomatoes and basil in big pots outside our apartment.


The home garden at our apartment

Still to come are lots of onions, collard greens, carrots and my first time trying Maine indigenous people's skunk pole beans.

MB and I go to a favorite spot (Potts Point) on the ocean and gather seaweed to fertilize the garden each year. 


I need these healthy and tasty diversions as they allow me to put my hands in the dirt and remember what is really essential about life.


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